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VR Question

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Hey Guys


I had a couple of friends who went to Mac tel me that the cutoff for VR section is 6. I got an 8 in VR :( so I was worried about my chances. Mac says they allot 25% of the weight to VR. However all my friends who went to mac were saying how if you meet the 6 (regardless of whether you get a 7, 11, or 15) you get that full 25%.


Seems a little weird to me but hey that would be great. Does anyone know for sure if the 25% is just given if the min requirement is met.


Thanks :)

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Hey Guys


I had a couple of friends who went to Mac tel me that the cutoff for VR section is 6. I got an 8 in VR :( so I was worried about my chances. Mac says they allot 25% of the weight to VR. However all my friends who went to mac were saying how if you meet the 6 (regardless of whether you get a 7, 11, or 15) you get that full 25%.


Seems a little weird to me but hey that would be great. Does anyone know for sure if the 25% is just given if the min requirement is met.


Thanks :)


Right and so they give the full 25% if you meet the 3.0 GPA cut-off.


And if you write CASPer, you get the full 46%.


So - actually, it all comes down to if you have a Masters or a PhD....


that'll be the day.

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Right and so they give the full 25% if you meet the 3.0 GPA cut-off.


And if you write CASPer, you get the full 46%.


So - actually, it all comes down to if you have a Masters or a PhD....


that'll be the day.


Relatedly I guess we don't know if it is a linear scale though do we? I mean there is a huge difference between the 2 points that take from a 13 to 15 say versus a 9 to 11. I wonder if they take that into account.

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Hey Guys


I had a couple of friends who went to Mac tel me that the cutoff for VR section is 6. I got an 8 in VR :( so I was worried about my chances. Mac says they allot 25% of the weight to VR. However all my friends who went to mac were saying how if you meet the 6 (regardless of whether you get a 7, 11, or 15) you get that full 25%.


Seems a little weird to me but hey that would be great. Does anyone know for sure if the 25% is just given if the min requirement is met.


Thanks :)


"Worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum." :D


You met and exceeded the minimum criteria for MCAT. How's your GPA? How do you feel you did on your CASPer? Don't dwell too much on it. I didn't do terribly well on the VR either, but it is what it is.


P.S. I have also heard this tale of "as long as you get 6, you get the 25%". I secretly tell myself it is true, as nobody can provide an exact breakdown of how it is weighed ;) I'm sure we'll have a better idea once the invites go out!

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Relatedly I guess we don't know if it is a linear scale though do we? I mean there is a huge difference between the 2 points that take from a 13 to 15 say versus a 9 to 11. I wonder if they take that into account.


I'm pretty sure they curve it. It wouldn't make any sense for it to be on a linear scale.


Now, because there is a lower limit, it wouldn't make any sense for them to assign points like this


15 = 100%ile = ergo, (1.00) (0.25) = 25 points

14 = 99%ile = (0.99) (0.25) = 24.8 points



6 is still equal to something like 40%ile. (I made that number up, but I'm certain it's not 0%ile).


So they probably curve it based on the pool of applicants. So if you're 0%ile in the pool (you got a 6) vs. if you're 90%ile, etc.

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you're definitely right! My GPA is ok. Its 3.81. I felt like I did well on Casper but then again I wont know. I felt like only 2 boxes in the casper got a horrible answer from me.


And medbat thats exactly how I thought of it. But hey, when you here what I heard from people who have been on the panel, it feels better than listening to your logic (which I agree with ) :P

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you're definitely right! My GPA is ok. Its 3.81. I felt like I did well on Casper but then again I wont know. I felt like only 2 boxes in the casper got a horrible answer from me.


And medbat thats exactly how I thought of it. But hey, when you here what I heard from people who have been on the panel, it feels better than listening to your logic (which I agree with ) :P


I know the feeling.


There is, of course, very little ACTUAL logic to this entire process. That's where CASPer, "autobiographical sketch evaluations", and an interview come into play. All with absolutely NO criteria!


It's like doing an objective evaluation and then saying, ok, I'm not going to tell you how I'm going to evaluate subjectively, but I will make a decision that affect your's and countless other's lives...


And then...


4.0 GPA + 40 MCAT ---> rejjjjeecccttteeedddd


3.5 GPA + 36 MCAT ---> I'll tell you in March (U of T)



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Most candidates who get in have a GPA between 3.8 and 4, and the Median VR is between 10 and 11. So if you have numbers in those ranges, and you did decent on casper, you got a shot.


BTW, I've heard--from an adcom member--that if you get a 3.8+ in GPA, you get the full 25; if your below, you get a fraction). She didn't tell me about VR. This speaks to the idea that they evaluate you in thresholds (which makes more sense to me than to have a linear scale).

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Most candidates who get in have a GPA between 3.8 and 4, and the Median VR is between 10 and 11. So if you have numbers in those ranges, and you did decent on casper, you got a shot.


BTW, I've heard-- from an adcom member--that if you get a 3.8+ in GPA, you get the full 25; if your below, you get a fraction) . She didn't tell me about VR. This speaks to the idea that they evaluate you in thresholds (which makes more sense to me than to have a linear scale).


We can be friends now.

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Thats very comforting. I am over 3.8 so thats good.. felt good on casper. But ya got an 8 in verbal..damnnnnn verballll


and medbat..about logic in the process...i feel ya...a couple of friends who got invites from queens will not get them from u of t, mac or uottawa (just based on there very low marks) but they got it from queens because their first year was dropped.


But i know tons of people rejected from queens yesterday (including me) because we didnt meet that verbal part but surpassed everything else by a lot. So its a really big crazy messed up process. sigh

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Sorry to be nit picky and I understand if you don't know but when you say 3.8+ do you mean 3.8 and above or above 3.8. Again sorry for the details, but as you know one thing can make or break your app. Thanks!!


I'm going to make an assumption here... that there is a difference between >3.8 and 3.8+.


I'll leave you to it.

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"Worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum." :D


haha, well I've gone through 4 packs in 2 days, soooo......


My gpa is okay (nothing special), Casper was interesting and I got 11 for Verbal so I'm a mess right now :P


A close friend keeps telling me "the bullet has left the gun," but I just hope it hits the bullseye and not my foot :rolleyes:

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haha, well I've gone through 4 packs in 2 days, soooo......


My gpa is okay (nothing special), Casper was interesting and I got 11 for Verbal so I'm a mess right now :P


A close friend keeps telling me "the bullet has left the gun," but I just hope it hits the bullseye and not my foot :rolleyes:


Let's hope you're talking about gum and not cigarettes! :o:P

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Right and so they give the full 25% if you meet the 3.0 GPA cut-off.


And if you write CASPer, you get the full 46%.


So - actually, it all comes down to if you have a Masters or a PhD....


that'll be the day.


nice reply! haahahah


yes, if you have a masters, you get in to med school. That's the new formula from one of the best med schools in the world.

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