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CutOff Question

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Hey Guys!


I just had some questions about cutoffs.


My wGPA for uOttawa is 3.82

And i have a pretty solid portfolio


I am from ottawa. Based on the previous cutoffs, how does this fair.


what were the cutoffs last year/what do you foresee this year (increase/decrease)



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If you look through previous posts if you are from the ottawa valley area you only need a 3.7 to make cutoffs, IP but OOO, 3.85, OOP, 3.87 according to previous years. However, there are changes every year, but I'd say chances are pretty high if you're from ottawa.

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Hey Tee88!


Thanks a lot. I've seen the 3.7 cut off for the ottawa valley area, but usually dont they make a "new" cutoff once they assess the entire pool! So lets say everyone this year has a 3.87 or above (hypothetically)...then the cuttoff would be made more competitive. Thats the cutoff I was wondering about

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that's a possibility, but I think it affects those of us who are not from Ottawa more, than those who are actually from Ottawa (I can't see a significant increase, it's kind of like SWOMEN for Western students is how I'm understanding it).


Yeah it would be very strange for it to jump like that. For one thing it hasn't ever happened, and for the second they the applicant pool is so large we would be talking about a huge number of new people getting a massive GPA increase :)

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