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UofC and residencies

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I am from out east, and will be graduating from my undergrad this year, and am considering to move out to Calgary this spring and hope to start at UofC the following year.


My question is: Because Calgary only has a three year program, is it tougher than most other schools to get into competitive residencies? I like the area of Radiation Oncology, or ENT, and have about 2 years of research experience in an area related to these residencies, and would have no problem with the reference letters.


I have heard, and the website shows that a great deal of students end up in family medicine, is that by choice, or is it tougher to get into specialty residencies from UofC ? Or does it not really matter, because no matter what school you are in, you still have to hand in those residency applications before you get a chance to do your electives?


Does anyone have any personal experience on this?



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My question is: Because Calgary only has a three year program, is it tougher than most other schools to get into competitive residencies? I like the area of Radiation Oncology, or ENT, and have about 2 years of research experience in an area related to these residencies, and would have no problem with the reference letters.





Reference letters for medical school or for residency? I didn't realize this till later in med school, but reference letters from research preceptors are useless for CaRMS unless you happened to cure cancer. It's all about your clinical electives. The exception is when you did both a clinical elective and research project with the same preceptor and they can comment on both. But I think for most programs research is kind of one of those nondescript checkmarks, if you did it great but it won't make you a standout applicant because most people sort of do it.

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