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What is the worst first year GPA you can bounce back from?

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I have a 3.2 for my first year (party times anyone? lol actually no, I didn't party much in 1st year!) so assuming I get a 90 in every course until I am done, I will have a 3.775... That is highly unlikely (my marks typically range from 84-91, but more are in the 3.9 tier).


What do you think is the worst first year GPA that can be corrected for a chance of acceptance? 3.775 is still below the 3.8 norm (albeit, not by much).

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I have a 3.2 for my first year (party times anyone? lol actually no, I didn't party much in 1st year!) so assuming I get a 90 in every course until I am done, I will have a 3.775... That is highly unlikely (my marks typically range from 84-91, but more are in the 3.9 tier).


What do you think is the worst first year GPA that can be corrected for a chance of acceptance? 3.775 is still below the 3.8 norm (albeit, not by much).


In one sense that is hard to say because I have seen people take a couple of extra years to pull up their GPA and then got in. There is no limit that way :)


Mac is a little less forgiving than (ok actually it is the least forgiving I suppose of the Ontario schools) of a bad first year. Still I wouldn't at all be surprised if someone got an interview and in with a high VR score and 3.7ish or higher.

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Thank you both for your input! Now in regards to applying anywhere else - lol basically I can't. My campus is a satellite campus and doesn't offer intro chem, Orgo chem, etc. I'm lucky to have access to biology, anatomy, and physiology (which were only recently added). When I became pregnant with my daughter, I had to come home because my first year university was about 4 hours away from our hometown and we needed some familial support to make it through. I go to a Laurentian satellite campus 30 mins from home. It's very easy to get good grades here, but they are really making the students here angry by not offering much in the bio/chem department.


The reason my gpa was so low is due to my first year science (astronomy) In which I got a 67 or 2.3. It was a 6 credit course and I really don't know what happened. Our prof didn't use blackboard to update us on our marks through the year but he was a nutter. We had monthly tests and my friends and I would compare answers and I put the same thing as them and was docked 3 marks instead of receiving 3. I asked the nutty prof about it and he said I shouldn't question his authority and if I wanted it reconsidered I couldn't have the test back to study for the exam. So I never got the extra marks and I don't actually know how I did on the final. He is well liked at the school so I didn't feel comfortable challenging him. Wish I had some balls back then now!:(

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Mac is a little less forgiving than (ok actually it is the least forgiving I suppose of the Ontario schools) of a bad first year. Still I wouldn't at all be surprised if someone got an interview and in with a high VR score and 3.7ish or higher.


Maybe I can provide some insight here after today's events.


My first year GPA was 3.37, and I bounced back with a 3.87 in my second year. My cGPA for McMaster was 3.62 (which is much below the average). My verbal score was only average/below average at a 10. I somehow did get an interview this year, and I guess I just did really well on CASPer to make up for my below average stats.


Point being: You can bounce back from your low first year for sure. If not through the MCAT VR section, then through CASPer.


Good luck :)

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Maybe I can provide some insight here after today's events.


My first year GPA was 3.37, and I bounced back with a 3.87 in my second year. My cGPA for McMaster was 3.62 (which is much below the average). My verbal score was only average/below average at a 10. I somehow did get an interview this year, and I guess I just did really well on CASPer to make up for my below average stats.


Point being: You can bounce back from your low first year for sure. If not through the MCAT VR section, then through CASPer.


Good luck :)

Here's another one: my first year at UofT was 2.92.


My cGPA for Mac is 3.36. VR is 11.


I just got an invite for Mac.


Let nothing stop you. Strive to take all areas of weakness in your application and improve.

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Maybe I can provide some insight here after today's events.


My first year GPA was 3.37, and I bounced back with a 3.87 in my second year. My cGPA for McMaster was 3.62 (which is much below the average). My verbal score was only average/below average at a 10. I somehow did get an interview this year, and I guess I just did really well on CASPer to make up for my below average stats.


Point being: You can bounce back from your low first year for sure. If not through the MCAT VR section, then through CASPer.


Good luck :)


This is amazing, I guess it just goes to show that you don't have to have a 3.95+ GPA and extremely high, way above average MCAT to get accepted after 3rd year, especially if you can excel at some other part of the application ... congratulations :)

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Great job everyone!


Your stories inspire me and leave me with an uplifting sense of hope. I know McMaster won't be making a mistake if they hand you all offers of admission.


My issue was that it was first year. I lived 4 hours away from home. I took my boyfriend and he was sort of a mood kill. I ended up hanging out more with him but he was very "down" and so I didn't experience university like I wanted to so I was very jealous. I could have left him in his room to go party but I felt bad. In March of that year we became pregnant anyways so our party days were just about numbered.

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