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Official U/C 2011-2012 Interview Acceptance/Regrets Thread

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Hi guys,


Invites/Regrets are due out today. For those willing, I suggest all post in the below format.


1. IP or OOP:

2. Year of undergrad or grad staus:

3. cGPA, GPA with lowest year dropped (if applicable):

4. MCAT:

5. ECs:

6. Additional Comments/Information: (possibly including where/when you took undergrad studies & grad studies if applicable)


Good luck to all!


I will be creating a discussion thread so that we attempt to keep this thread clean with only the above requested information.

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1. IP or OOP: OOP

2. Year of undergrad or grad staus: 4th

3. cGPA, bGPA with lowest year dropped (if applicable): 3.88

4. MCAT: (13B/ 11V/ 11P) R

5. ECs: worked as a PCA, big brothers big sisters, habitat for humanity, tutor, NSERC, TA, 4 years research, lots of travel

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Invited (and still in shock:eek: )


1. IP or OOP: IP

2. Year of undergrad or grad status: BSc completed 2010

3. cGPA, bGPA with lowest year dropped (if applicable): 3.50 (it's possible)

4. MCAT: 30N (again, possible) VR-12, BS-10, PS-8

5. ECs: full-time employment throughout undergrad, just over 1 year research, medically relevant volunteer experience, volunteer and work experience with diverse groups, etc.

6. Additional Comments/Information: Just goes to show that anything is possible... stay positive and good luck!

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1. IP or OOP: OOP

2. Year of undergrad or grad staus: 4th Year Undergrad, McGill

3. cGPA, bGPA with lowest year dropped (if applicable): 3.93 bGPA

4. MCAT: 10 Verbal, 14/14/S on other sections

5. ECs: Average. President of club, shadowing, long time hospital volunteer, intramurals.

6. Additional Comments/Information: Listened to the entire podcast before applying. It's useful - trust.

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4th year undergrad

GPA: 3.95

MCAT: 14/13/13/S

EC: research, publications, student conucil, intramural, outreach projects


I think med schools are looking for a well-rounded applicant, and that was what I wanted my file to show when I applied. At the end of the day, how you present yourself is super important, especially in an intrinsically subjective selection process like this.

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1. IP

2. BA completed in 2004

3. 3.49 bGPA

4. MCAT: 23Q: 7 V, 7 PS, 9 BS

5. ECs: 2 year mission for the LDS Church (1/3 of time working in Northern Quebec helping Franco and Aboriginal Families), Leader within the Boy Scouts of Canada, Leader of a Youth Church Group, Officer in the Canadian Forces, Tour in Aghanistan in 2008, Leader of an LDS Congregation of Soldiers in Afghanistan, Married to a wonderful wife of 14 years and have 5 fantastic kids!!


6. Additional Comments/Information: This is encouraging for all us non-trads with Arts degrees and a lower MCAT (I think mine will probably be the lowest).

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BSc (Nursing) + MSc

GPA: 3.51

Grad GPA: 4.0

MCAT: 14/13/8/T

EC: Varsity, Research, Publications, Volunteer in many many places, etc


Wow!!!!! I can't believe Calgary showed me some love!!!!!!!


Let's get cracking on more MMI prep people.

U of C is my second choice after UBC, because my husband works in Vancouver.

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1. IP

2. 4th year at UBC

3. 3.73 (that conversion chart for % grades is brutal!)

4. 12 VR (11/12/13/R)

5. ECs: Average I think? Research with publications, worked in healthcare for 2 years, ran my own small company while at school, had a corporate summer job with significant responsibility, worked in a research lab abroad for Co-op, a couple clubs at school and 3 awards. But almost zero volunteerism (1x a week for 3 months a couple years ago).


I'm so relieved! I only had 2 reference letters submitted because one referee missed the submission deadline. If anyone is wondering, missing reference letters will NOT doom your application. :D

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undergrad in math at St.FX, MSc. at Dal in Community Health / Epidemiology

GPA 3.42

MCAT 9 verbal, 8's in bio and phys, essay M

EC: lots of research (my own and as RAs), worked / volunteered in a methadone clinic for numerous years, addiction research internship in BC, presentations of my thesis work at various national and international conferences, national research fellowship, working at a detox centre now in northern alberta


Other comments: My GPA and MCAT aren't great, but I have focused my work and research around marginalized populations (addiction / mental health) and I think / hope that came across in my application. Pretty excited though, thoughts I was a long shot!

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4th year Biochem at UNBC

3.98 wGPA 3.95 cGPA (4.17/4.33 UNBC) 3.93 OMSAS

9 VR


ECs: Non- traditional applicant 33, rural background, low income housing development, local community employment, rural land owner, real estate investor, industrial metal fabrication and wood product manufacturing business, community 4H, flight training, military experience, long term employment- over 9 years with Canfor in the forest industry, heavy equipment machine operator, hospital/church volunteering, jazz/ classical pianist.


I have worked and gone to school in Northern Europe for a year and a half, travelled to over 20 countries.. many more random/ interesting EC’s.


I applied to UofC last year - but did not make full file review.


Very honored to have an opportunity this year!

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Pretty disappointed...got an interview last year but not this time. The only change was that my GPA went up by a lot.


1. IP

2. Finished B.Sc, currently in an international medical school

3. 3.53, but had a 3.8 in my first yr of med school overseas

4. 10 VR (9/10/11/R)

5. ECs: Last yr got over 20/25...volunteer research with a 1st author paper, tons of sports, worked for the same company for over 7 years and worked all throughout undergrad. Lots of other community stuff as well.


Oh well I guess...happy I didn't wait around trying to get into Canada forever.


Good luck to those with interviews.

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