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University of Toronto Life Science?


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First of all, most people saying that UofT is incredibly difficult are the ones who DONT even go there such as yourself. So how can you judge? I've met 2 girls, one who transfered from UofT Scar to York (her marks stayed the same) and the other who transfered from UofT St.G to York (her marks went up slightly but could be due to sharper learning skills and due to experience). My point is, if you haven't gone through the experience of being at UofT, don't tell others about rumours you've heard which are liekly false. All I hear on this furoms is other university students spreading rumours about another instituion that they've never been part of.


P.S. I do agree that on most parts, UofT 1st year courses have slightly more difficult tests but the bell curving that they are given makes up for it. Think about this: How come UofT is soo hard and yet they have the same class avaerage as other insitituions? Bellcurves...


I've been to UofT, and by God.. all the rumours.. all of them, are true. I know of people that switched out, all of them said which ever institute they ended up in was much easier than UofT (SG campus). Also including a girl that switched from UTSG to UTSC. There was a guy a few years ago who did a few years at Harvard and then a few years at UofT, his experience was that UofT was much harder than Harvard for the program he was in. I've said this before, but here it is again: Don't go to UofT. Don't go to UofT. Don't go to UofT.

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Obviously nobody can conclude beyond a shade of a doubt that U of T is far more difficult compared to other schools. However considering the evidence (and the veritable mountain of it), I think at this point it is safe to say that going to U of T is going to be more difficult to some degree and provide whoever goes there with unnecessary strain... med school is hard enough to get into as it is, why try to run a race with ankle weights when you can just avoid putting them on?


You are absolutely right. Going to UofT is like trying to win the 100 m sprint with sandbags on. If you are already a world champion and don't mind this challenge, by all means go for it. E.g., you were once a doctor in Kenya that immigrated to Canada, but was told that you can't do medicine here :rolleyes:, so you decide to redo ALL of your undergrad at UofT to try for the Canadian med school lottery. - i.e., if you are at the level where you go into PSL302Y1, take absolutely 0 notes, listen to Mackay once, and then get 99% for all your PSL302 exams - no problems at all - you are a Kenyan superstar.

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haha, I love it. :P


You know that I totally love you right f_d? Your posts bring joy and happiness to the otherwise gloomy pit of infinite despair that is UTSG.


The University of Toronto: "Birthplace of new hopes and dreams...as old ones are crushed into the ground."

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Yes I do really want to be a doctor! I am definitely looking into other universities as well. Would you recommend taking BSc psychology at york over Neuroscience at UTSC? I mean UTSC is known to be much easier than UTSG so I'm definitely considering that as well. And also, is there any way to prepare for these crazy tests that you guys are talking about? I mean I've heard that no matter what university you go to, you have to study really really hard to maintain a high gpa. Also future_doc, would you care to share this no name uni of yours and where you are currently going to med school?

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I've talked to someone who's currently in pharm school and that person went to UTSG LS hoping to get into med. According to her, the reason why so many smart people end up going there for "premed" is because UofT med school ranks as one of the best in Canada, and people think that doing undergrad in UofT will make it easier to get into UofT Med. Of course by the time they become wiser, it's too late.

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future_doc, would you care to share this no name uni of yours and where you are currently going to med school?


My undergrad studies were at "No Name University" which is accedited. ;)


I am going to med school in Canada. :)


I would like you to go to med school also. Therefore, realize that where you go, is an extremely important decision - as is your program. If you really enjoy your program, you should excel and the hard work will be bearable.

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I've talked to someone who's currently in pharm school and that person went to UTSG LS hoping to get into med. According to her, the reason why so many smart people end up going there for "premed" is because UofT med school ranks as one of the best in Canada, and people think that doing undergrad in UofT will make it easier to get into UofT Med. Of course by the time they become wiser, it's too late.


You've hit the nail on the head. :P

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I've talked to someone who's currently in pharm school and that person went to UTSG LS hoping to get into med. According to her, the reason why so many smart people end up going there for "premed" is because UofT med school ranks as one of the best in Canada, and people think that doing undergrad in UofT will make it easier to get into UofT Med. Of course by the time they become wiser, it's too late.


Lol.. it's true, it's all true. There aught to be a public service announcement to prevent this tragedy from happening year after year after year.

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Lol.. it's true, it's all true. There aught to be a public service announcement to prevent this tragedy from happening year after year after year.


Lol true, but why would they do that and risk a drop in their rankings, student quality and maybe even revenue from student enrollment? UofT Life Sciences is pretty much riding on the name of its medical school.

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Lol true, but why would they do that and risk a drop in their rankings, student quality and maybe even revenue from student enrollment? UofT Life Sciences is pretty much riding on the name of its medical school.


Heck, the fine netizens of premed101 can make our own public service announcement that gets stickied at the very top of this pre-med forum warning pre-med noobs for the next 100 years that going to UofT life science for undergrad does not increase your odds of getting into UofT med school.

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Ya I just wanna go to a medical school in canada. My top choices would be macmaster, u of t and western for med school but I don't mind the others either as long as I can get into a med school here and practice in ontario I will be over the moon. If not U of t though, where would you recommend that doesnt kill ur gpa and yourself in the process?


oh and its nice to see while im working through an english essay, you guys are also up. Thanks for all the replies!

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Ya I just wanna go to a medical school in canada. My top choices would be macmaster, u of t and western for med school but I don't mind the others either as long as I can get into a med school here and practice in ontario I will be over the moon. If not U of t though, where would you recommend that doesnt kill ur gpa and yourself in the process?


oh and its nice to see while im working through an english essay, you guys are also up. Thanks for all the replies!


Ryerson, it's practically next door to UofT

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Waiting for McMarauder's reply to end all of these hearsay :)


hahaha. And here I am.


I've been to UTSG for toxicology, MAC for pharmacology and York for kinesiology. I'm a strong believer that the difficulty of your undergrad depends on the program you choose, and not necessarily the school you attend. I found mac pharmacology to be just as tough as UofT toxicology. Had I chosen something like Biology or Kinesiology at either school, I can say with confidence that I would have done much better in my first degree.


My time at York was easy for many reasons. I had matured greatly over the last 6 years, I knew how to study effectively, I took kin courses instead and I knew I had to perform well. I'm sure most people who have left UofT subconsciously felt like they had to perform well, otherwise the transfer was not worthwhile. In fact I heard a UofT transfer at York say in my anatomy class "I only got an 80 on this test. I need at least an 85, otherwise this wasn't worth the transfer".


All these anecdotes of "oh my friend transferred from UofT to _____ University and started getting 4.0's" do not tell the whole story. What's important to know is what program they started in and what program they ended up in.

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This is a false dichotomy.... btw, I know you didn't mean it, but that can be pretty offensive for people who do make 30K/year and enjoy what they do- again sorry to point that out I know you didn't mean to offend anyone by that


I think this topic deserves a sticky: 'Should I go to UofT?' of 'Should I go to UofT vs. (insert other school name)?', there's just so many questions about it


Anyways, for the OP, I think you'll almost definitely get accepted and I feel that all you need to know is that it is possible to do good at UofT (as a lot of people have actually said, if you look more into some of the posts) and the rest is upto you're hard work.... I guess it is arguably harder, but you mentioned you want the chance anyways, and the advantage of going to a 'prestigious' has to come with a price, or else everyone would be there (or more people)


Goodluck with your decision :)


So someone who was 100% dead-set on becoming a doctor, will be happy working in a lab making 30k/year? I doubt it... Every bio TA I've seen so far is constantly pissed off, so that shows something.


Empircal results show once you're making 75K a year, additional income has very little effect on general happiness.


That study is at least a couple years old... maybe even 3? And it was in the US I believe. So once you adjust for inflation and (since a lot of us are in toronto/gta) factor in that this area is more expensive than anywhere else in the US, then that 75k is more like 90-95k.


It's also common sense, and the study doesn't say that happiness doesn't increase after making that only, only that it's marginal. Think about it, with 30k/year you will be struggling financially. With 50k/year, you're a bit better but you still can't really do that much. With 90-95k (for this area), you will be able to afford a nice vacation every year and drive a decent car, do what you want. Now if you make 130k/year, your "living potential" doesn't improve by a huge margin, your vacations can be a little bit better (just an example) and everything else can be a LITTLE bit better. Therefore increases in happiness will be minimal.

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Ya I just wanna go to a medical school in canada. My top choices would be macmaster, u of t and western for med school but I don't mind the others either as long as I can get into a med school here and practice in ontario I will be over the moon. If not U of t though, where would you recommend that doesnt kill ur gpa and yourself in the process?


oh and its nice to see while im working through an english essay, you guys are also up. Thanks for all the replies!


you'll soon change the 'dont mind mentality' to "ill beg northern to take me as long as i get in"

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That study is at least a couple years old... maybe even 3? And it was in the US I believe. So once you adjust for inflation and (since a lot of us are in toronto/gta) factor in that this area is more expensive than anywhere else in the US, then that 75k is more like 90-95k.


It's also common sense, and the study doesn't say that happiness doesn't increase after making that only, only that it's marginal. Think about it, with 30k/year you will be struggling financially. With 50k/year, you're a bit better but you still can't really do that much. With 90-95k (for this area), you will be able to afford a nice vacation every year and drive a decent car, do what you want. Now if you make 130k/year, your "living potential" doesn't improve by a huge margin, your vacations can be a little bit better (just an example) and everything else can be a LITTLE bit better. Therefore increases in happiness will be minimal.


What you aren't factoring in is combined income.


My partner and I can live very very comfortably if we both make $75K/yr. Will we drive the benz and bimmer? No but we certainly would not struggle for anything either. We'd afford a nice house in the GTA/Markham area, plus the cars, animals and a couple vacations each yr and saving for retirement/accidents. Kids might throw a wrinkle into the allocation of the income but we'd still be just fine.


When I realized that I didn't NEED to make $120k+ my outlook started to change and I can tell you that I was NO MORE happier making $150K+ than I was making $75K as all my *needs* were being met I just had more money in the bank for the SUPER FUN stuff.


Then again, I grew up dirt poor, got oranges for xmas as a gift from my mom a bunch of times and we had to feed ourself through foodbanks more times than I can count so I've learned very well the definition between WANTS and NEEDS

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