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Internal Medicine Subspecialities in US

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Hello! Is it common that IM R3s apply to the US for subspecialty training - ie. GI, etc.? Do they still need all the USMLE Steps? And do they take the scores into account, or would it be based on letters?


And what about IM R5s who finish their sub-specialty training in Canada. Is it common that they do a further 1 year fellowship in the US?


I'm deciding whether to write my Step 2 CK... Any advice is appreciated!

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You need to be able to obtain an educational practice license in the state you wish to do a fellowship in. Some will require USMLEs, some will accept the Canadian exams as equivalent. I don't believe scores would be a major part of your application; just passing is key, but you will need other elements (research, educational initiatives, etc.) to be successful. Remember, as an international student, you have to make a better case for yourself than the local applicants to get a spot.


I don't think many go to the US after their R3 year, since the fellowship training in the US may not be recognized as a 4th year of IM in Canada by the Royal College. Most of my colleagues that went south did a R4 IM year here and got their Royal College certification, then went away for subspecialty training, or, more commonly, went south for a 1 year fellowship after their R5 year (R6 for cardiology). Going after R5 is the safest way to ensure all your certifications hold up at the Royal College, because all the training and exams will have been done in Canada, although it is likely that you could get US training accredited, just more hoops to jump through.


My advice: Do the Step 2 CK. It will keep doors open for you, and it's not a hugely onerous test to study for. Especially with the ever tightening specialty job market in Canada the past few years, training abroad can be a huge asset in landing an academic position (less so for community jobs).

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