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Getting TBR to GTA


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I was trying to get the TBR books for the MCAT but the shipping costs they want to charge me are ridiculous. $170 for 4 sets of books plus duty and whatever FedEx wants to charge me once the books actually get here.


I was wondering if anyone else has got the TBR books shipped in around here for cheaper or if anyone has any suggestions. I'd rather not get them shipped to the US and drive down there to get them, but it may be worth the money.

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I was trying to get the TBR books for the MCAT but the shipping costs they want to charge me are ridiculous. $170 for 4 sets of books plus duty and whatever FedEx wants to charge me once the books actually get here.


I was wondering if anyone else has got the TBR books shipped in around here for cheaper or if anyone has any suggestions. I'd rather not get them shipped to the US and drive down there to get them, but it may be worth the money.


Trying buying them off Ebay or Kejiji

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

They're a good company, I'd rather not torrent their stuff. :(


And I really do prefer actual textbooks over e-books and I'd be willing to pay for them. My friend's got a family member in the states that might be able to get mine over when they get hers over so problem is likely solved!

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