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First week of Interviews, how d'ya think it went?

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Interviewers were more friendly than I expected. I managed to get some good laughs from some of them so I guess its a pretty good sign!


The overall atmosphere was very welcoming and I really appreciated the med students who spent their weekends coming out and meeting with us.


The faculty was also very nice :)

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do most people make jokes during the mmi? lol in my practice i've been pretty serious, since most of the issues are serious.


Excuse my language. It was more of mutual chuckles rather than laughs. They only happened in more casual questions of course...

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Interviewers were more friendly than I expected. I managed to get some good laughs from some of them so I guess its a pretty good sign!


The overall atmosphere was very welcoming and I really appreciated the med students who spent their weekends coming out and meeting with us.


The faculty was also very nice :)


Sounds promising. Fingers crossed! :P

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There were definitely stations where you could make jokes.


Just got back. Thoroughly enjoyed my morning, the hellbenders are awesome! The interviewers were laid back for the most part, everything was well organized, the video after was hilarious, and the presentation was informative. Also really enjoyed the tour.


Goood luckkk :)

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I even had one tell me "you will do well in this profession" at the end, which I'm pretty sure they aren't supposed to do, but whatever - it certainly helped boost my confidence for the subsequent stations.


Best of luck to everyone.


Yeah, and one of mine said: hey you look like you could use a new car - here's the keys to mine

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I had a great time, to my surprise! The stations were fun and the questions were relevant. The best part was after the last station, when we all came out into the hallway, relieved and exhausted, and all the Hellbenders who were running our track cheered and clapped loudly like we’d just won an Olympic gold medal :D

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ps. props to astrogirl for being kind to me in my moment(s) of panic throughout the day


She's a superhero.


Everyone I met yesterday was fantastic; I wish all of you could join us next year! It was a pleasure to get to meet you and show you around our school. I'm glad it sounds like despite being stressful, you mostly had a pretty positive experience! I know I quite enjoyed my MMI by the time all was said and done...

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I had a good time, and I met so may great people. The hellbenders were very accommodating, and I met some amazing fellow interviewees.


The MMI wasn't too bad, and I managed to be myself. That said, I did not get any comments like 'you'll do great as a doc', so maybe it did not go as well as I had thought.... :rolleyes:

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Aww that's nice of you to say, CCM. It was the least I could do. I think you had bigger things on your mind than figuring out the best way to assemble the name tag ;)


Glad to hear so many positive comments about the experience at interviews. I had quite a few people 'verify my identity'....I told you guys it would be easy to pick me out.


It's over now! Go back to your regularly scheduled life, see ya on here in May!!!


LL =)


ps. I didn't introduce myself to you, epson, but now I know for certain who you are! Despite nerves you survived! Yay!

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I'd bet a lot of money that didn't actually happen.


Same here with the being yourself bit. And I didn't try to figure out the purpose of the stations. I guess we'll see in May how that strategy panned out!


What you don't think I drove away in a new car?

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Here to say hi- and I hope you all had a great time. It sounds like you did, and UofC was a lot of fun! I look forward to (maybe) going next year. :)



epson- I saw your post on another thread and I would normally PM, but I just wanted to let you know that I went to high school with Sarah Chalke (a few years ahead of me, but still) :)

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Kick ass this weekend, guys! Look forward to meeting some of you in July! :D


That's what I'm here for! :) I hope I helped!!


Can you help me with something too? How picky is Calgary about the CPR requirement? I know they say something like "recognized Basic Cardiac Life Support"... but what does that mean? Level C CPR? Level A? Adult/child? etc.?

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