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Post-interview thoughts/ May 15th seems so far away

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Hey Guys,


I know it is soon but I am excited/worried for May 15th already even though it seems so far away, anyone else like this?. However I do have to congratulate Ottawa for having a really friendly interview atmosphere. Initially i walked out with a great feeling, but now i am doubting some of my answers. Anyone else feel like this?



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I felt amazing walking out and thought I really nailed the interview, then looking back I would've changed a couple of answers but overall pretty good.


Likewise I felt the panel to be very friendly, not too grilling like I've heard from most people. They def did a lot of follow up questions though


Good luck! See you on the other side ;)

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Definitely feel lost to some point. Now that I have completed all my interviews... There's not much I can do. But yet I keep checking these boards lol

Walked out feeling great but the more I think about it the more I think I totally could've done better. Why did I say that? That was purely stupid of me. Etc.


Now it's just trying to get through with the term and hopefully come May I will get at least one acceptance.

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I guess everyone feels this way to a certain extent. I feel like I am satisfied with some of my answers and for others I feel like I could have improved or added somethings. In the end, its all about how they saw your answers and we don't really know what they are looking for. Good luck to everyone.

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I interviewed on the first day (Feb 29th). March has just crawled by, sooooooooooooooo slowly! I can't believe there's STILL another 54 days before we know our fate.


I walked out of Roger Guindon feeling totally dejected. Not because of the panel, which was really friendly, but because I thought I could have given a better answer to like every question. But I'm always pretty pessimistic when walking away from an evaluation, so maybe I'm focusing on the negatives too much? At least this gave me some practice for Western, which was later that week.


So we'll see what happens in May. With all of you coming out with good feelings, I can't help but think admission is nothing more than a pipe dream at this point (I'm thinking odds are about 1/5 for admission at this point, no?).

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I interviewed on the first day (Feb 29th). March has just crawled by, sooooooooooooooo slowly! I can't believe there's STILL another 54 days before we know our fate.


I walked out of Roger Guindon feeling totally dejected. Not because of the panel, which was really friendly, but because I thought I could have given a better answer to like every question. But I'm always pretty pessimistic when walking away from an evaluation, so maybe I'm focusing on the negatives too much? At least this gave me some practice for Western, which was later that week.


So we'll see what happens in May. With all of you coming out with good feelings, I can't help but think admission is nothing more than a pipe dream at this point (I'm thinking odds are about 1/5 for admission at this point, no?).


I think we all have similar experiences that we regret some of our answers, so i wouldn't worry. Also its always possible to give a better answer after when you have had time to think about it. Regarding the odds, it is about 1/3. There are 116 spots for 480 English stream candidates. However about 60 people refuse the offer, so in the end it is really about 176 spots/480 candidates.

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Having been to god knows how many interviews in the States (Yale, WUSTL, Harvard, Columbia, Dartmouth...etc) and Canada, one advice I can give you guys and that is to stop worries about the "what could I have said better." There is no point.


As for my UOttawa interview, it went alright but I felt that they were trying to push me over the spot and see how I would react rather than trying to get to know me. My interviewers were more aloof than friendly.


Towards the end they asked me, "would you choose school X(A Top 20 School in the States I have been accepted to) over Ottawa. I attempted to sound sincere about wanting to coming here and what not but in the end, I knew I won't and so they probably weren't convinced about my answer. Oh well it was fun and I had nothing to lose.




MD 2016, Accepted




Words from the 'other' side of the fence.

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