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Do you get more responsibility during Electives than Clerkship Rotations?

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I am wondering what the difference b/w clerkship rotations and electives are in terms of your responsibility. I understand you do your electives in final year of med school and this could be at other med schools/out-of-country while clerkship rotations are at an affiliated hospital of your medical school in vast majority of cases


but in terms of what you are actually expected to do, are electives more demanding?

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It's very variable. Usually the only difference is that on electives, you are not expected to cover call - although some people will certainly volunteer to. Your degree of responsibility and involvement also depends on whether there are other learners, whether students or residents. E.g. I did a one-day peds cardiology rotation last week and there were THREE residents with my preceptor. This meant that I basically shadowed the residents for most of the day.

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I've only done one elective so far (CTU), and there was 1 in 4 call. I would say expectations are higher as a senior medical student, as you should have more knowledge and skills than a 3rd year. I agree with Jochi though, it really depends what/where the elective is.

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Highly dependent on the elective as to level of responsibility and expectations. If you are doing an elective in something you want to match to (say ENT), you will be expected to be much more competent and hard working than the average student. If it's something for fun and you don't wanna match to it (say Derm), then you tend to get cut much more slack. And of course if you are a 4th year, you'll be expected to know more than a 3rd year (unless the third year is some kind of gunner and you are just there for casual learning).


From a legal/operational guidelines point of view, you don't have any more responsibilities/powers than a regular clerk.


Also, having to do call is dependent on what elective and what center. Some will make you, some will suggest you do, and some will tell you not to.

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