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Deferral of McGill Acceptance to Gain Residency Status


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So I'd just like to start this off saying my family isn't well off. I have to work to be able to afford school. Henceforth I ask this question:


I got into UfT undergraduate lifesci (Trinity, if anyone cares :P) recently and I've just been thinking about what I want to do with my life and all that fun stuff. So ideally (and spare me the lecture about things never going according to plan), I would want to go to McGill med school. Of course, in the interest of saying as much money as possible, I was thinking about deferring acceptance so I could live and work in Montreal for 12 months so I could have more money under my belt, gain Quebec residency status, and go to Mcgill paying the lower Quebec tuition.


So I ask, is this plan plausible? How exactly would I explain my deference to the admissions office?


Any input is appreciated :3


edit: I am also fully bilingual, if that counts for anything :D

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I think it sounds like feasible route, could be an interesting life experience as well!


I don’t know much about deferring ur admission at U of T, but even if that doesn’t work out, you can apply again to U of T the following year as your back up to McGill. U of T spends thousands of dollars in advertising to attract high school applicants, if ur high school grades are good enough (i.e u didn’t just barely get in this year) you shouldn’t have a problem getting in next year, if worse comes to worse and you have to apply again.


(btw if you do somehow end up going to U of T, definitely look into UTAPS, there are many things you’d worry about while at U of T but $ is generally not high on that list)

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I think it sounds like feasible route, could be an interesting life experience as well!


I don’t know much about deferring ur admission at U of T, but even if that doesn’t work out, you can apply again to U of T the following year as your back up to McGill. U of T spends thousands of dollars in advertising to attract high school applicants, if ur high school grades are good enough (i.e u didn’t just barely get in this year) you shouldn’t have a problem getting in next year, if worse comes to worse and you have to apply again.


(btw if you do somehow end up going to U of T, definitely look into UTAPS, there are many things you’d worry about while at U of T but $ is generally not high on that list)


Oh, I should have made myself more clear. I meant defer acceptance to McGill med school. Is that possible? Or is it done only in very special circumstances? Does it make more sense to live and work for a year without applying and then when I am done make my applications to various med schools, so I won't have to defer any acceptances?

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Oh, I should have made myself more clear. I meant defer acceptance to McGill med school. Is that possible? Or is it done only in very special circumstances? Does it make more sense to live and work for a year without applying and then when I am done make my applications to various med schools, so I won't have to defer any acceptances?


Med school deferral is much more complicated, and reserved for severe circumstances like major illness, finishing a grad degree (only a few schools allow this), accepting a major scholarship (eg Rhodes)and things of that nature. It is *highly unlikely* that you’ll be granted that based on your proposed ground. If you take a year of before applying to med, you’ll gain IP status making it more likely to get an interview also u’ll be able to apply to other Quebec schools.

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Oh, I should have made myself more clear. I meant defer acceptance to McGill med school. Is that possible? Or is it done only in very special circumstances? Does it make more sense to live and work for a year without applying and then when I am done make my applications to various med schools, so I won't have to defer any acceptances?


I don't know why you'd want to defer acceptance to med school. Whatever stream you are accepted as (IP, OOP, international), you are bound to pay that tuition level for all 4 years because you have accepted a seat under a particular admissions category (this is for med school, it's different in undergrad). So if you want to gain the edge of being considered IP for McGill admissions, you'd have to be IP at the time of application to medical school.

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Another thing to keep in mind is that, once accepted to medical school (anywhere in Canada), being able to afford tuition becomes, essentially, a non-issue. Financial aid/loans and bursaries are usually available depending on your and your family's financial status. banks are also more than willing to fork out huge lines of credit which, if used sparingly, really easy financial burden without adding tons of extra stress about personal debt.


true, I am attending medical school in Quebec, where tuition is exceedingly low (for now) and government aid is easily obtainable. fact of the matter is, if you're accepted to med school anywhere, paying off a few thousand dollars of debt once you're completed your residency shouldn't be a deciding factor on the school you choose to attend. saving a little extra money on tuition will be worth very little in the grand scheme of things.


Do your undergrad. Work as hard as you can, to do the best that you can. Apply to medical school broadly and go where ever you're accepted. If McGill is where you want to be (for reasons other than tuition) than it would be wise to gain in province status just because acceptance rates for OOP are exceedingly low.

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haha, well the students on strike are complaining about the slowly rising tuition in Quebec, which will still be the lowest in Canada.


Yep, pretty ridiculous if you ask me. Though I have friends who took part in the march and they said they were only going for fun.

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haha, well the students on strike are complaining about the slowly rising tuition in Quebec, which will still be the lowest in Canada.


It's not because other provinces are more expensive for university that it is a good thing. A lot of people work during cegep, and cegep is tuition-free, imagine how it would be if the tuition fees are increased 40% (that and with the other obligatory fees universities make us pay, like the FIO (Frais Institutionels Obligatoires) that has been skyrocketing since 2007).

PS: If the rise occurs, NL will have the cheapest tuition fees, they are only slightly above Quebec's.

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CEGEP isnt tuition-free. its around 150 $/semester, because the government subsidizes it. Also raising tuition fees is a lazy way out that doesnt actually improve the structure of the system, especially where millions of dollars are lost due to the inefficient management (look at UQAM with their new building that they lost, or Concordia with their severance and fines for severance). Increasing tuition means increasing student debt and making university less accessible or less appealing option for many students. I think Newfoundland has even lower tuition for undergrad sciences than Quebec (I'll try to find a link). I'm too emotional about this change in tuition. If things are done a certain way elsewhere in Canada does not automatically make it the golden standard. anyhow. we'll see what happens. To add to the thread, deferral in McGill med is hard to obtain. I would advise to email the admissions office in McGill, they are pretty approachable, informative and good at responding.

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You're only starting undergrad and you're already thinking about deferring acceptance into one of the best medical schools in the world? Seems just a tad bit premature if you ask me.


I'm excited that I got accepted to where I wanted to go and was just thinking about the future. What's it to you? You're right; I might drop out of uni and decide I've always wanted to be a clown or something, but how about you try answering my question next time? :)


neewayzzz, thanks for the input everyone ^^

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I might drop out of uni and decide I've always wanted to be a clown or something, but how about you try answering my question next time? :)


I know someone who has 3 degrees from a professional school and is thinking about joinnig the circus for a while. :P Truth is stranger than fiction. :)

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I'm excited that I got accepted to where I wanted to go and was just thinking about the future. What's it to you? You're right; I might drop out of uni and decide I've always wanted to be a clown or something, but how about you try answering my question next time? :)


neewayzzz, thanks for the input everyone ^^


Calm down.


When you begin to realize the true hardships of getting into med school, you'll understand where I was coming from.


I'm only a first year myself, so I can't even begin to comprehend the trials and tribulations of the application process and whatnot, but maintaining a competitive GPA is already tough enough. It's a bit like someone worrying about how much they're going to get taxed if they win the $540,000,000 lottery that's going on in the US right now lol. You'll have to excuse me if I can't really take your question seriously...


That said, it's amazing that you have such foresight at this point in time, I wish I was as mentally prepared as you when I was coming into university. It will definitely pay off in the future. I wish you all the best.

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Since 2010 there hasn't been a person that has successfully converted to IP after international or OOP acceptance. There used to be a back door but McGill closed that up pretty tight now. You cannot change your status once accepted. Best you can do is decline and reapply as an IP.

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  • 3 weeks later...
It's not because other provinces are more expensive for university that it is a good thing. A lot of people work during cegep, and cegep is tuition-free, imagine how it would be if the tuition fees are increased 40% (that and with the other obligatory fees universities make us pay, like the FIO (Frais Institutionels Obligatoires) that has been skyrocketing since 2007).

PS: If the rise occurs, NL will have the cheapest tuition fees, they are only slightly above Quebec's.


I'm pretty sure our tuition will still be cheaper than NL even with the planned increases (at least according to the news). But you and I, as Quebecers, both know that that isn't the issue. The problem is the mismanagement of our tuition/taxes etc. I don't care if tuition is 10$ a year, I want to know that it's going toward what I paid for.

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Oh and not to completely de-rail the thread: is it really worth the small amount of money you would save in the long run to become and IP and then re-apply as an IP? Also, keep in mind that there are significantly more options available to you as a resident of Ontario than Quebec (provided you are and Anglophone).

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  • 2 months later...

He or she can have both QC and ON status at the same time.


There is NO WAY they are gonna defer your theoretical acceptance so that you get to go cheaper and switch your status. You apply as OOP and there you shall remain.


Respectfully, you are not the only person who wants to save money. And you are applying for a massively subsidized degree with which you can earn more money than the majority of people ON PLANET EARTH.


Here is what you can do:


After undergrad, apply to Ontario schools and to McGill as OOP. If you do get into either, the money you save in your lifetime due to starting 1 year earlier will more than compensate for the extra 40k it will cost you to go to school as OOP or ON res.


If you don't get in, move to quebec in May, get a job. Then apply as IP. And reapply in Ontario.

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