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Question about Mcat date and time of completion


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I am about to register for my second mcat for 2012 summer.


I also want to apply this year to america.


do you guys think it is alright If I write on July 14th?

or would that be too late.


I am not sure how it works for the amcas application. so If I don't have my scores released by aamc, can I still submit my application? or is it better to get the scores and then release the application?


any advice will be appreciated. Thanks!

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If you've submitted your AMCAS application, then when your scores are "released" about a month after you write, they will be automatically sent to the schools you applied to.


If I were you, I would submit the application with only schools with low-ish average MCAT scores. Once you see your score, you can decide to add more schools.


You can add as many schools as you want, even after you have submitted, until October.

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Hey north12, I'm new to the American app process, and you seem to be quite an expert in this area.


I'm an Ontario resident considering applying to the US this coming cycle. University of Toronto undergrad, GPA is 3.97 ish.


I'm going to submit my AMCAS app in early June, but I want to rewrite my MCAT. I am registered to write on June 21 (scores are received on July 24). Just a few q's:


1) So it's ok to submit my AMCAS app if in early June if I rewrite my MCAT later that month?


2) Will schools consider my app before getting my new MCAT scores? If not, am I taking my MCAT too late? Should I take an earlier date (like May 31)?


3) Are top tier schools within my reach (from a statistics standpoint)?


Thanks for any feedback!

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Most schools will wait for you MCAT before making interview offers. There s too little information provided to assess your competitiveness. MCAT is very important for top tier schools. But keep in mind the essay and reference and EC are also important.

Hey north12, I'm new to the American app process, and you seem to be quite an expert in this area.


I'm an Ontario resident considering applying to the US this coming cycle. University of Toronto undergrad, GPA is 3.97 ish.


I'm going to submit my AMCAS app in early June, but I want to rewrite my MCAT. I am registered to write on June 21 (scores are received on July 24). Just a few q's:


1) So it's ok to submit my AMCAS app if in early June if I rewrite my MCAT later that month?


2) Will schools consider my app before getting my new MCAT scores? If not, am I taking my MCAT too late? Should I take an earlier date (like May 31)?


3) Are top tier schools within my reach (from a statistics standpoint)?


Thanks for any feedback!

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If you've submitted your AMCAS application, then when your scores are "released" about a month after you write, they will be automatically sent to the schools you applied to.


If I were you, I would submit the application with only schools with low-ish average MCAT scores. Once you see your score, you can decide to add more schools.


You can add as many schools as you want, even after you have submitted, until October.


Thanks north12.


I wish PM were working..

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Most schools will wait for you MCAT before making interview offers. There s too little information provided to assess your competitiveness. MCAT is very important for top tier schools. But keep in mind the essay and reference and EC are also important.




In the US, it seems even the most competitive schools have average GPAs around 3.8. So unfortunately it doesnt carry the same weight as it would in Canada. From my understanding, a low GPA (<3.5) is a red flag and as long as its over 3.7 you are set. Its all about the MCAT in the US so I hope you rock your rewrite!





However: be wary that since you already have an MCAT score, some schools may make a decision on your application before your new one comes in. So 2) is a definite concern.


I rewrote my MCAT (much later than yours, in August) but didnt let the schools know until mid-July that I was rewriting. This was bc I was happy with my first score for the most part (I was trying to up my VR to be more competitive in Ontario). Many schools made a decision on my application with my first score, only about 3/12 waited until my new one came in.


Therefore I would call up each school you are applying to and ask what their policy is on multiple MCATs and whether they will wait for your new score to make a decision.


Ultimately only you know if you need that extra month to study for the MCAT, and whether your application is strong enough to apply a little later in the season.


As for 3) If you can get a >33 on your MCAT I think any school you want is within reach, as long as you write a great PS and EC section. Good luck!

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I faced the same questions and I went to undergrad here in the U.S so hopefully I can help :



1) So it's ok to submit my AMCAS app if in early June if I rewrite my MCAT later that month?


You want your AMCAS app to be approved around the same date as your MCAT scores come out. Aka if scores come out around July 20th, you can probably submit the end of june. So no hurry there. I say this because that way you have a couple of more days to look over your primary after your mcat, which you'll probably have more time to look over things.


2) Will schools consider my app before getting my new MCAT scores? If not, am I taking my MCAT too late? Should I take an earlier date (like May 31)?


NO. alot of people here take MCAT second time after submitting primary. Pretty much very school has a secondary where you can designate if you PLAN on taking a second MCAT in the future and its date. Once you check that box, your file's not going to be looked at until they receive your new score, so you won't be rejected based on that. But if you don't designate, then they will proceed with your file.


3) Are top tier schools within my reach (from a statistics standpoint)?


It kind of depends on your MCAT. From what I understand, Canadian universities tend to give out higher average GPAs than U.S. schools do. So if med schools know this, which they probably do, then they would tend to depend more on your MCAT, which is standardized. They also worry that you don't come if admitted, which is a reasonable worry in itself. But good schools are very hard to get into, even for Americans, and any med school gives you an MD degree.


Good luck!

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