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Taking courses below the year level?

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I tried to search on the forums since i saw it before somewhere but can't seem to find it. It's time for me to select courses soon and I am going into 3rd year, so I should be taking mostly 300 level courses. I want to have at least 2, possibly 3, electives at 100 and 200 levels though. In total I'll have 10 courses, with 2 or 3 below my current level. Do med schools in Canada have a limit on the number of courses you can take below your level?

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I can't remember what the exact rules for taking courses below your year level was, but I generally take courses following this kind of pattern: Take a full course load with a maximum of 1 full year equivalent (with can mean 2 0.5 courses) that is AT MOST 1 level below my current level.


I'll look up the exact information from a few universities later, but I really think you should avoid taking any 100 level courses in your 3rd year.

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