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To write or not to write?


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I'm scheduled to write the MCAT on April 28th and am not nearly close to be ready. I started studying intensely 2 weeks ago with a strict plan but i'm just not getting through the material fast enough.


So I'm wondering - should I cancel it and then book another take in August? Should I still write it in April and consider it a "trial" run and again in August?


I'm just really stressed about it at the moment and don't know what to do...

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I'm scheduled to write the MCAT on April 28th and am not nearly close to be ready. I started studying intensely 2 weeks ago with a strict plan but i'm just not getting through the material fast enough.


So I'm wondering - should I cancel it and then book another take in August? Should I still write it in April and consider it a "trial" run and again in August?


I'm just really stressed about it at the moment and don't know what to do...


Wow, two weeks is definitely not enough time to study for the MCAT! I would definitely recommend rescheduling it to a later date because: (1) It's expensive and time consuming (depending on if you have to travel to your testing centre), (2) You don't want multiple rewrites on your record. One or two (and possibly 3) is totally fine, but multiple rewrites might start raising eyebrows. Try to study with the intention or writing it once, and only once. It's annoying to rewrite, trust me

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multiple rewrites might start raising eyebrows.


This is not true. MCAT interpretation is the most objective portion of your application. Med schools take your recent or best score. Unless you can show us otherwise, no med school website says they look at your number of attempts.


If you can afford it, I'd write and treat it as a practice run. For $100 bucks you might surprise yourself.

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This is not true. MCAT interpretation is the most objective portion of your application. Med schools take your recent or best score. Unless you can show us otherwise, no med school website says they look at your number of attempts.


If you can afford it, I'd write and treat it as a practice run. For $100 bucks you might surprise yourself.

isn't it 230? over 200.

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Yes, I've already paid for it. Its not a question of money, I live a short subway ride away from the centre so thats negligible. Its a question of should I bother if I won't be ready. I've taken the PR course (but have a business, not a science, background) and I started studying 2 weeks ago, but like I said, I'm not get through the review fast enough.


There are still some concepts that I'm just not getting and it makes me nervous seeing as there are only 4 weeks left and I still have a TON to get through.


But I also have been just wondering if I should just do my best, write it and just plan to rewrite.

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I studied for 2 months, but that was with no school or work to worry about so I got in some solid 8 hours days, also with a science background. Did you take any science classes at all or just stuck with pure business?


I think if you have the time and you're not too worried about what you could consider a potential loss of $100, then you might as well use it as practice, gauge what you have to focus more on. There are practice tests for that but I never found they simulated the real thing very well.

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This is not true. MCAT interpretation is the most objective portion of your application. Med schools take your recent or best score. Unless you can show us otherwise, no med school website says they look at your number of attempts.


If you can afford it, I'd write and treat it as a practice run. For $100 bucks you might surprise yourself.


Oh really? My MCAT instructor told me that multiple rewrites might start looking bad if you've done a few (ie more than 2), otherwise I thought that multiple rewrites didn't hurt either...

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Oh really? My MCAT instructor told me that multiple rewrites might start looking bad if you've done a few (ie more than 2), otherwise I thought that multiple rewrites didn't hurt either...


I'd ask him where he got this information. I wouldn't be surprised if he said 'my friend told me...'

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  • 4 weeks later...

If I were you (or anyone else in this situation), I would try taking a full mock MCAT exam ASAP. There's a free one available on the official MCAT AAMC website (it's called MCAT Practice Test 3). Here's the link: https://www.aamc.org/students/applying/mcat/preparing/85158/orderingpracticetests_mcat.html


If you can score 10+ on the verbal section and 9+ on the bio and phys sections, then I think that you're ready to tackle the real MCAT.


Otherwise, you should reschedule (give yourself a minimum of 3 months to study thoroughly for this exam).

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I'm scheduled to write the MCAT on April 28th and am not nearly close to be ready. I started studying intensely 2 weeks ago with a strict plan but i'm just not getting through the material fast enough.


So I'm wondering - should I cancel it and then book another take in August? Should I still write it in April and consider it a "trial" run and again in August?


I'm just really stressed about it at the moment and don't know what to do...


Well at this point you cannot cancel. Just go in there and void if you don't feel ready.


Decide your readiness based on the AAMC exams. If you like the average you are receiving on those, then you should take it.


Everyone gets panicked right before the exam. Decide if you need more time to study and how you will plan the rest of your summer before you decide to void.


Good luck in any case.

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