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Didn't take high school calculus, or physics...

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Hard, yes. Impossible, no. If you have a solid math background, then you should be able to keep up as long are you are willing to commit your time to studying properly. If you struggle with math as it is, "baby" physics might be a good option before the standard first year physics.


I found first year physics to be similar to gr 12 physics, just taught a lot faster with less direct support unless you seek it out yourself (no teacher checking up on your homework...).

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University calculus, and physics are prerequisites for professional schools, but how do I take those level of courses if I didn't take them in high school? Is there a sort of high school calculus, and physics equivalent in university?


You should be fine if you do your work. If you slack, you're screwed.

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I didn't do anything in highschool. But there was a continuing education program near where I lived and so I did highschool physics and chem in night school. Calculus I just went straight into and it was completely fine, if your decent with numbers I really don't think you need any highschool calc. Same with physics... if they will let you in w/o highschool physics go for it, first semester physics is just rearranging formulas, picking info out of the question stem and plugging it in so again, if your decent with numbers, save yourself the time. The other physics I took was pretty intense and needed two semesters of calc as prereqs but I think you can take easier ones that don't need calc. Calculus IS NOT a prereq for medical school!! So unless you need it for your degree program I think you can get away w/o taking it (if it is a course that you find intimidating, but it's really not that bad and I enjoyed it actually).

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