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Uploading "Photo Identification" and "MDIS Confirmation Form" on Minerva - HELP :)


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I printed out the MDIS form and filled it out, and scanned my two required photo ID. But, when I tried to upload them to Minerva, I didn't find where I could do that!


On their site, McGill says :


...upload it to the Medicine Interview Session documentation requirement listed in your application checklist.


But there is no link or anything there... I'm a bit confused :)

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I don't know if it is the same for your stream but for the university applicants our interview invitation email told us to email the photo ID scan. The instructions were given via a weblink to the mcgill/med sites on supplemental docs. Hope this helps.

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I just checked out the website and, guess what? I must not be the only one with problems as they posted a notice saying they're experiencing some technical problems with Minerva, preventing us from upload our documents :)


Thanks for your answer :)

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