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Undergraduate Medical Curriculum Revision


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Hey guys - I'm trying to find info on how undergraduate medical school curriculum is revised in Ontario and/or throughout Canada, but I'm having trouble finding the info I need. I'm wondering if maybe someone who knows could help me?


The info I need is:

-Who is responsible for reviewing the content of the curriculum (i.e. how many hours are spent on a certain topic)? Is it each school, each province, or someone else?

-How is this content chosen (so how does current "best practices" and research findings make its way into med curriculum)?

-Who funds undergraduate medical education? Each province?


If you have a source I could cite that would be great. I'm not trying to get anyone to do the work for me (trust me - I have been pouring over documents and have sent emails to different org's associations but haven't heard back). I need this information for my 4th yr thesis research project and after all my reading, I'm still confused about who is responsible for what, and how they decide what to teach.


Thanks in advance!!:)

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For reviewing the curriculum for accreditation purposes, it's LCME. Every some number of years, LCME visits every medical school in N.A. and checks the curriculum to see if it's up to par.


take a look at this http://www.lcme.org/pubs.htm#fands



The Association of Faculties of Medicine in Canada has a publication out on undergraduate medical education



The responsibility of actually making the curriculum is the responsibility of each school. Usually each school sets up a committee to review the current curriculum and propose any changes that they believe should be implemented (e.g. based on some of the recommendations by LCME).



In terms of making sure that the actual content is up to date with recent literature etc. I believe it is surely the responsibility of the directors that organize the curriculum every year and the lecturers who organize the presentations.


Who funds the UGME in Canada? It is probably the province (although I have no sources to cite). I'm making the assumption based on the fact that each province seems to have different tuition fees (~17000 in Ontario, ~5000 in Quebec, ~8000 in Manitoba, ~12000 in Alberta schools etc).

Also, it may explain why some schools want to restrict the medical school seats to people who are from their province.


Hope it helped!

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Who funds the UGME in Canada? It is probably the province (although I have no sources to cite). I'm making the assumption based on the fact that each province seems to have different tuition fees (~17000 in Ontario, ~5000 in Quebec, ~8000 in Manitoba, ~12000 in Alberta schools etc).

Also, it may explain why some schools want to restrict the medical school seats to people who are from their province.


Hope it helped!


3000 in quebec ;)

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