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Withdrawing from a course once accepted

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I was wondering if anyone else is/has been in this situation or knows what an admissions office would say:


I accepted a US school as a backup while waiting to hear back from UofT. I enrolled at Athabasca to take the prereqs over the summer (specific to the US school), but now that I've been accepted to UofT, I don't need these courses anymore - (I haven't started doing any work for these courses yet). If I drop the courses at this point, my transcript will indicate "Withdrawn" from the course because I signed up more than 30 days ago. Would U of T care if I withdraw from these courses?


I appreciate anyones input. Thanks in advance!

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I was wondering if anyone else is/has been in this situation or knows what an admissions office would say:


I accepted a US school as a backup while waiting to hear back from UofT. I enrolled at Athabasca to take the prereqs over the summer (specific to the US school), but now that I've been accepted to UofT, I don't need these courses anymore - (I haven't started doing any work for these courses yet). If I drop the courses at this point, my transcript will indicate "Withdrawn" from the course because I signed up more than 30 days ago. Would U of T care if I withdraw from these courses?


I appreciate anyones input. Thanks in advance!


Have you taken courses at Athabasca before?

And you should call them and explain the situation, the longer you wait the worse the situation....I would call them this very second.

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I feel like you need to inform a school of your entire academic history..


I have taken courses at athabasca before, and they already have the transcripts for those courses. I am taking some other courses at a different university that I could also drop since U of T doesn't need them either, but my final exams in those courses are in 2 weeks. So I'm obviously going to complete those courses. I would just want to withdraw from the courses that I haven't even started yet, so that I can travel/work this summer without having to worry about courses that I don't care about/mean nothing to me...

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