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Need academic guidance to MD - Very confusing situation

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Hello. I'd first like to thank you for taking the time to read my post :).


For the past year and half since CEGEP ended I've been making up my high school level science courses in an effort to start my path into the sciences and hopefully med school. As you may have heard, perhaps a little too often, med schools have very confusing guidelines as to who is eligible and who they admit. From what I've read, this consists of continuous full-time studies, no failures, no going over the credit limits, etc... It can get quite overwhelming if you're not the traditional applicant.


After cegep I decided med school was my dream (I'll get into this in another thread I suppose). Since then, I've been taking courses during the night at Dawson College all the way from sec 4 math to where I am now, about to begin my first med school prereqs. The problem with this is, since I am in night school, the maximum amount of courses you can take is two ( I can't get into day cegep as I already have DEC). This is a huge issue, as I am quickly approaching 21 and would like to start university ASAP as I don't come from a background where I can comfortably take course-after-course in night school, apply into a bsc and do that for 3 years, then do med for another 4. At this rate, since there are about 9-10 courses I must complete, I will finish all the prereqs in 5 semesters, which is far too long .


My main question here is, does anyone have a better and more efficient path I could take so that I won't finish my schooling by 30?

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Hello. I'd first like to thank you for taking the time to read my post :).


For the past year and half since CEGEP ended I've been making up my high school level science courses in an effort to start my path into the sciences and hopefully med school. As you may have heard, perhaps a little too often, med schools have very confusing guidelines as to who is eligible and who they admit. From what I've read, this consists of continuous full-time studies, no failures, no going over the credit limits, etc... It can get quite overwhelming if you're not the traditional applicant.


After cegep I decided med school was my dream (I'll get into this in another thread I suppose). Since then, I've been taking courses during the night at Dawson College all the way from sec 4 math to where I am now, about to begin my first med school prereqs. The problem with this is, since I am in night school, the maximum amount of courses you can take is two ( I can't get into day cegep as I already have DEC). This is a huge issue, as I am quickly approaching 21 and would like to start university ASAP as I don't come from a background where I can comfortably take course-after-course in night school, apply into a bsc and do that for 3 years, then do med for another 4. At this rate, since there are about 9-10 courses I must complete, I will finish all the prereqs in 5 semesters, which is far too long .


My main question here is, does anyone have a better and more efficient path I could take so that I won't finish my schooling by 30?


If you graduated CEGEP the first time, your fastest route would be to apply to university in a program that interests you. Complete it with full course loads over 3 years while doing your Med School prereqs over the summer.

Otherwise, you're stuck doing a DEC in Science, then a Bac in whatever you want, before applying to med school.

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Could I fit in all those courses over 3 summers?

Using McGill as an example,

you'll need:


-a minimum six (6) credits of introductory coursework, with labs;

in Chemistry

-a minimum six (6) credits of general (or physical) chemistry coursework, with labs,

-a minimum three (3) credits of organic chemistry coursework, with labs;

in Physics

-a minimum six (6) credits of introductory coursework, with labs;


That's 7 courses. It can be done.

Also, you might be able to take them for credits as electives on your degree.

So that would be during a regular session, giving you credits towards your chosen bac.

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I think if you REALLY want to go to medical school, you should just find what works and do it, no matter how long it may take. I am 21 now and in my second year of university when I decided that I really want to go to med school. I have to take 6 chemistry courses in total just to get to biochem, so my degree will take me five years instead of 4. So if I can do it, so can you! And all my required courses are not even part of my major or minor.


If all else fails, start your degree, and do the full term fall to spring then do summer courses and repeat. You will be done faster that way, as I was recommended to to chemistry in the summer if I couldn't complete during the full year or had difficulties doing it.

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Hello. I'd first like to thank you for taking the time to read my post :).


For the past year and half since CEGEP ended I've been making up my high school level science courses in an effort to start my path into the sciences and hopefully med school. As you may have heard, perhaps a little too often, med schools have very confusing guidelines as to who is eligible and who they admit. From what I've read, this consists of continuous full-time studies, no failures, no going over the credit limits, etc... It can get quite overwhelming if you're not the traditional applicant.


After cegep I decided med school was my dream (I'll get into this in another thread I suppose). Since then, I've been taking courses during the night at Dawson College all the way from sec 4 math to where I am now, about to begin my first med school prereqs. The problem with this is, since I am in night school, the maximum amount of courses you can take is two ( I can't get into day cegep as I already have DEC). This is a huge issue, as I am quickly approaching 21 and would like to start university ASAP as I don't come from a background where I can comfortably take course-after-course in night school, apply into a bsc and do that for 3 years, then do med for another 4. At this rate, since there are about 9-10 courses I must complete, I will finish all the prereqs in 5 semesters, which is far too long .


My main question here is, does anyone have a better and more efficient path I could take so that I won't finish my schooling by 30?


Never heard of day cegep being barred for people with a DEC, are you sure all cegeps do it? Also, can you apply to Marie-Anne for your high school courses?

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Jesus maybe I should think twice about Kinesiology if I need to take all of those prerequisites. I'd like to have my summers off to do volunteering/research.


Med schools really don't care if you took all the prerequisite courses during the summer, all knowing that they (many) don't factor summer courses (these being the hardest courses) into the GPA?


I mean if I had (York) 3.8's in all my subjects, but C's in all my prerequisites, it wouldn't matter because they were taken in the summer?


I guess I'm asking, do Med Schools take into consideration your grades in just the prerequisite courses as a weighing factor?

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What happens if I apply as an independent student next time application period rolls around, take the remainder of the courses, and then transfer into a Bsc? Could I do courses during the day at a university and then during the night in cegep? How critical could this extra part-time schooling affect my chances of med? It just seems like going back to make up courses that you never took takes way longer than it should. :o

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What happens if I apply as an independent student next time application period rolls around, take the remainder of the courses, and then transfer into a Bsc? Could I do courses during the day at a university and then during the night in cegep? How critical could this extra part-time schooling affect my chances of med? It just seems like going back to make up courses that you never took takes way longer than it should. :o


Taking the courses in univ will harm your University Cote R if you want to apply to UdeM.

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I have heard of people applying into programs and taking their prerequisites within the program ... Is this true? For example, I know Concordia's business school will accept applicants who are missing one or two of their prereqs for a BComm and accept them provided they finish the courses within the duration of the program. Would Concordia do the same if I were to apply into a Bsc with not all (but some) of core science courses and just do the pre reqs within the curriculum ?


And thanks for all the help eh guys, always very helpful.

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Hello. I'd first like to thank you for taking the time to read my post :).


For the past year and half since CEGEP ended I've been making up my high school level science courses in an effort to start my path into the sciences and hopefully med school. As you may have heard, perhaps a little too often, med schools have very confusing guidelines as to who is eligible and who they admit. From what I've read, this consists of continuous full-time studies, no failures, no going over the credit limits, etc... It can get quite overwhelming if you're not the traditional applicant.


After cegep I decided med school was my dream (I'll get into this in another thread I suppose). Since then, I've been taking courses during the night at Dawson College all the way from sec 4 math to where I am now, about to begin my first med school prereqs. The problem with this is, since I am in night school, the maximum amount of courses you can take is two ( I can't get into day cegep as I already have DEC). This is a huge issue, as I am quickly approaching 21 and would like to start university ASAP as I don't come from a background where I can comfortably take course-after-course in night school, apply into a bsc and do that for 3 years, then do med for another 4. At this rate, since there are about 9-10 courses I must complete, I will finish all the prereqs in 5 semesters, which is far too long .


My main question here is, does anyone have a better and more efficient path I could take so that I won't finish my schooling by 30?


Age doesent matter, I started university at 23 and by the time I finish I will be in my mid twenties, at which point if I do get into med it will be another ~10 years before I finish. Important to focus on the big picture here.


If you have already finished your DEC why not just take a bsc and do your prereqs there?


What program did you get your DEC in?

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I have a DEC in Social Science and have not yet started my basic science pre reqs for med :( I have just finished my high school science courses and I'm currently in the middle of my basic science courses.


I know looking at the big picture is important, but a big picture is also a long road, and any help that will bring me to my goal faster and more efficiently will obviously be a huge bonus. Anyways, I really appreciate the reminder that time should not matter. It can be bothersome knowing that your career is being put off, especially in relation to all your friends who are almost finished their degrees. So thanks for that =D


If anybody has any further advice I'd love to hear it. If not, may this thread perish ! :cool:

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