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Salary Expectations?

nikki dale

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Most (if not all) hospitals have minimum hourly pay of $20, although for most of the positions you do need previous experience. You should put negotiable if thats an option on the application, just to be safe. Otherwise $18+ sounds reasonable. Plus, you can always negotiate once you get an interview. :D

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Most (if not all) hospitals have minimum hourly pay of $20, although for most of the positions you do need previous experience. You should put negotiable if thats an option on the application, just to be safe. Otherwise $18+ sounds reasonable. Plus, you can always negotiate once you get an interview. :D


So in the blank where it says "Salary expectation ___ per ___"


I should write $20 / hour?

If that's the minimum, should I be writing "$23 negotiable per hour"? So there is room to negotiate downwards if that's what they want?


I don't want to be underpaid either just because I asked for what is the 'minimum', but at the same time; I am willing to work...I need a job, I'm not going to be picky.

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So in the blank where it says "Salary expectation ___ per ___"


I should write $20 / hour?

If that's the minimum, should I be writing "$23 negotiable per hour"? So there is room to negotiate downwards if that's what they want?


I don't want to be underpaid either just because I asked for what is the 'minimum', but at the same time; I am willing to work...I need a job, I'm not going to be picky.



As I said it really depends on how many years of experience you have. I suggest you leave it blank. They are more concerned about hiring a qualified applicant, not whoever is willing to get paid less (at least the case with hospitals, may not be so for other places :P ). Just my 2 cents.

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As I said it really depends on how many years of experience you have. I suggest you leave it blank. They are more concerned about hiring a qualified applicant, not whoever is willing to get paid less (at least the case with hospitals, may not be so for other places :P ). Just my 2 cents.


Thanks a lot :)

I'll probably write 'negotiable' instead of leaving it blank, just so they don't think it's 'incomplete'. I don't really want to write a number either.

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Guest LeCreuset

If you need this really badly I would go with $20 when they ask you in the interview, thats on the high end for undergraduates in any event. Although I was under the impression you wouldn't be paid a wage rather a salary for the entire summer which is the common standard for research (you never know how few or how many hours you'll actually be working)


Best of luck though!

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9 dollars an hr in psychology... if you work for like some nanotech engineer maybe like 20, lol, it's so faculty and funding dependent.


A job app for a research assistant position is asking for salary expectations, and I'm really not sure what to put here. What is typical for someone with an undergraduate degree (no grad school)? Thanks!
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A job app for a research assistant position is asking for salary expectations, and I'm really not sure what to put here. What is typical for someone with an undergraduate degree (no grad school)? Thanks!


In this economy, minimum wage. Unless you're from Alberta, where you should be asking for at least $25 an hour.

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what's the best way to ask for job in Edmonton if you have MSc?


There's a prospective lab i have been talking to, and it turns out they were expecting me to volunteer.....



am scrambling to find a research position! Anyone with a good tip or know someone looking for research assistant, would appreciate a hand!!

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