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Guest Ibraheem

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That's kind of a tough question to answer.... I am involved in a ton of things outside of school and at times it is overwhelming, but, for me, I am not the kind of person who can study every night. I thrive on stress, so I wait until a few days before the exam to study (and rely on a good memory). I am on my class council, I work part-time, I play soccer, hockey, volleyball, and work out every day, and try and go out most weekends when stuff is going on. I am usually in bed by 11 during the school week, so health-wise I try and get enough sleep, and all my sports and work outs I do really help with stress relief (unless spending time doing them causes me stress). I believe you can do it all if you want to, you just have to be organized, and put the effort into school when it's needed. Everyone finds what works for them- some people like studying most nights because they don't get stressed out come exam time, other people leave it to the last minute (like me). The one thing I've learned is that you really can't let the way other people do things get to you. Find what works for you and go with it.

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