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Differences Between Caribbean Med Schools

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I'm currently applying to med schools in the Caribbean, however considering how many there are, I'm having trouble picking which ones to apply to. There are the top 4: St. George, Saba, AUC, and Ross. In addition to those there are a whole lot, but some of the other ones I was looking at include MUA, Windsor, and AUA. Aside from the costs of going to one over the other, what else differentiates them? I understand that some are more accredited then others, but what does that mean in terms of getting a residency spot, and how much more difficult is it to get a residency spot through one of the lower tier schools then from one of the upper ones?

Does anyone have specific numbers on how many spots each school successfully matched?

And aside from costs and accreditation for getting residency spots, are there any other differences?

Last question: When trying to get a residency spot, what are the factors that come into play that will help you get a spot, and is there any way for someone to increase there chances of getting a spot after doing their rotations?

I realize this may be a popular question in the forums, so if you know of a thread that already discusses this topic, please let me know.



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Of the top 4, only Saba is affordable. If you have the money to attend the other 3, why not spend that money in Australia? At least they offer a good chunk of their grads the chance to do residency in Australia after graduating. Also you won't get funny looks from people when they ask where you go to med school.


I wouldnt even think of attending any of the other schools you mentioned. Some of them are probably OK, but there's no way to know what quality you're getting.

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  • 4 months later...

I guess question to leviathan or any other current/past Saba student. Is it possible to get rotations in Canada, i.e electives, and how does that work?

I have a family and an infant child, so if I can spend at least some time down the road in Ontario, where I could get a huge help from my relatives, that would be great. I know school usually tries to accommodate their students (heard that someone with a child requested to stick around in one city for for as long as possible, in order not to relocate and she was placed for 8months in the same hospital).

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