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Chances if tried for IP?

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I was wondering if anyone could shed a light about my chances in getting in, yes, not just interview, but actually getting in to U of C. I know they calculate GPAs little differently... so these GPAs are according to their standards


Here is my stat:



cGPA: 3.691 (this is average including my grads, dropping my lowest)


Grad GPA: 3.82


Research 2 year MSc, 2 courses mandatory in first year, they were both in high 80s


Written MCAT 6 times so the US is out of question - applied twice to 5 schools in total, (was limited because I have no English).


Reason why I wrote MCAT that many times? verbal.

I made cut offs for Bio, Physics and Writing R or S everytime I wrote it, but the verbal was always sub-par. I cried so much, Why couldn't I just get 11? I must have completed all the verbal practice there is out there, but even with all that effort and years.... 10 was when .


I was so sick of writing it, because I wrote 6 times... Anyway ended with 10 for V (at this point, I was just studying verbal only) and thought I couldn't do it anymore...


Physics: 9

Bio: 11


Writing: R


Finished MSc last year, I thought I would get a decent research job (applied during my MSc), but no. I really speed my thesis process and finished by June last year - graduated October.


Much appreciated!!! thank you

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You are better off waiting until after this year's cohort receives offers. With the changes to the application this year, I don't believe anyone can give you any idea of where you might stand. You might be able to better shed light on your chances when you see the stats of those offered a place in the class of 2015.


Keep in mind the importance of the non-academic side of the application as well, and how your ECs and experiences fill out this part of the application.

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