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Application question

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Hey guys,


I was just wondering when one should apply for the MD class of 2017 (starting in fall of 2013). I've been thinking about whether I should apply or not (I just finished my sophomore year) and I decided I might as well. It's the only school that would accept my application at this moment.


Thank you,



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If you wanted to start next Fall (Fall 2013), you would have to apply this summer.


When applying to medical schools (at least in Canada), you apply in the summer and (if accepted) your studies would begin in September of the following year.



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Hey guys,


I was just wondering when one should apply for the MD class of 2017 (starting in fall of 2013). I've been thinking about whether I should apply or not (I just finished my sophomore year) and I decided I might as well. It's the only school that would accept my application at this moment.


Thank you,




If you just finished ur second yr univ, then you can also apply to other schoos like queens/u of t/mac...unless you dont have mcat...

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Heh, I'm taking my MCAT next year, so no go on the other schools. I remember the last time I went on OMSAS, it didn't allow me to create an account. But anywho, I still have time to apply this summer then?

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Heh, I'm taking my MCAT next year, so no go on the other schools. I remember the last time I went on OMSAS, it didn't allow me to create an account. But anywho, I still have time to apply this summer then?
The application for OMSAS opens in early July.
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Awesome, thanks a lot for the info guys =)


I think it is smart to apply as early as possible and to as many schools as possible, the application process is an experience in and of itself, as is the wait times etc... just make sure you have the right deal of cautious optimism, because Ottawa has one of the largest applicant pools, with one of the smallest sets of criteria (related to the applicant pool of course). Without MCAT, and allowing application coming out of 2nd year, they allow many people like yourself a chance, and with fewer years of schooling, volunteering, research etc, it is really competitive.


So... not to be a debbie downer (lulz), I just want to make sure that its clear that its probably a good idea to apply, but its also a good idea to be very aware of the competition...


I'm probably just jaded because I was in your exact position, applied just to ottawa, got rejected, next year I massively improved my application (increased GPA, added research, more volunteering etc) and ottawa still rejected me... meanwhile other schools with more complex application systems gave me interviews (Queens, Mac, Western, Nosm) and ended up giving me offers (Mac, Western, NOSM).

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That's the conclusion I came to as well. I personally want to finish my undergrad before beginning med school, but I figured I might as well apply once to see where I'm standing and to, well, just get a feel of the whole process. I'm not overly optimistic is the truth. In fact, far from it. I'm kind of down right terrified I won't make it into any Canadian school. Not because I'm a poor applicant, my GPA is solid and I have a few ECs under my belt. Only thing is, I've never volunteered in a hospital... nor has it ever really interested me. Mopping the floors for hours just to impress an interview committee doesn't appeal to me.


I will be shadowing a bit next week or so and I've been in a hospital before as a patient (surgery and other things).


But, yeah, I'll apply this year for experience mostly. If by some miracle I get in... well, shootdang, I won't be able to say I've never won the lottery lol.

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That's the conclusion I came to as well. I personally want to finish my undergrad before beginning med school, but I figured I might as well apply once to see where I'm standing and to, well, just get a feel of the whole process. I'm not overly optimistic is the truth. In fact, far from it. I'm kind of down right terrified I won't make it into any Canadian school. Not because I'm a poor applicant, my GPA is solid and I have a few ECs under my belt. Only thing is, I've never volunteered in a hospital... nor has it ever really interested me. Mopping the floors for hours just to impress an interview committee doesn't appeal to me.


I will be shadowing a bit next week or so and I've been in a hospital before as a patient (surgery and other things).


But, yeah, I'll apply this year for experience mostly. If by some miracle I get in... well, shootdang, I won't be able to say I've never won the lottery lol.


no worries man, doing what you like means a lot more than doing what you think they'd like... I never volunteered at a hospital and things turned out for me.

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I have accepted offer from University of Ottawa for their undergraduate Biochemistry program and I will register for it on May 14th. I am interested to study in medicine; I know following prerequisite courses needed to apply to the med program of studies.

1) One full credit (two semester courses) in Biology (with laboratory session)

2) One full credit (two semester courses) in humanities or social science

3) Two full credit (four semester courses) in chemistry. Any combination within the following three: General Chemistry (with laboratory session) Organic Chemistry (with laboratory session) and /or Biochemistry (without laboratory).

I need your suggestions about the prerequisite courses; I will register for biochemistry program, will it full fill the first prerequisite i.e. one full credit (two semester courses) in biology?

What courses should I select for two full credits in Humanities or Social Science that would help me in my future my career goal? What courses most of the student select?

I would appreciate if you suggest me in this regard.


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Hey man, first off, good luck to you with that biochem degree. You'll probably be taking all the pre-reqs for med school as part of your program so I wouldn't really worry about it. To be sure though, you can go speak to an academic advisor and they'll set you up.


The specific course numbers are indicated here: http://www.intermed.med.uottawa.ca/Students/MD/Admissions/eng/description_prerequisite_science_courses.html


As I said though, seeing as you're a biochem major, odds are you'll have to take those courses as part of your program requirements anyway.


As far as humanities and social sciences go, pick anything that interests you I guess. Psychology classes are fair game as are sociology classes. Anthropology, ethics classes, anything in that area should be good. Honestly though, since you're already at UofO, academic advisors would be your best bet. Go find them!


Good luck :)

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Hey Sabit,


I found this website for OttawaU really useful. Unfortunately I didn't know about it in my 1st year there, but hopefully it helps you.




Just click on your particular program of Biochemistry and it will list the courses you are required to do. If you click on a course, it will bring you to its description.


So to answer your question, yes it does require two semester courses of Biology that each have their own corresponding lab (BIO1130 and BIO1140). Good luck & I hope you enjoy OttawaU!

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