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Sometimes saying 'nevermind' is a good way to get through a frustrating situation.


Anyway, my question was about student loans. I do not need them, fortunately, but am eligible for a small amount anyway. I wanted to know whether I should apply specifically so I can repay them after a short period of time (before my program is done) to improve my credit score. My credit took a beating during our poor years, because all the bills we had trouble paying were in my name.


I didn't know whether it would 'count' because no repayment would be required at the time I repay them. My financial advisor said it would improve my score, though possibly not by as much as it would if I paid them off after school. In my case, because I am over 22 and have never applied for student loans before, they have to run a credit check before I can receive any, so it will have an impact regardless. She did warn me that if I were repaying student loans while still in school, it may affect my eligibility for future years since my assessed need would be different, but she didn't know for sure, she was just pointing it out.


I want to get my credit into really good shape so that when it comes time for a med LOC, I will be in a position to negotiate for the best rates/features.

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The med student LOC is standard, you do not negotiate over the interest rate - it is prime. :P Perhaps to waive the annual credit card charge. So, you are in good shape. :)


I don't want to be in a position to require a co-signer. As things stand now, I probably would. It's only three years away (being optimistic...) so that isn't a lot of time to repair my limping credit.

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