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CaRMS match success

Guest sky100

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Guest sky100

Can anybody direct me to a webpage stating the success of each canadian school at CaRMS matches in the recent years? It would be great to know how successful students from different schools were in getting their first choice, second choice, etc. Any information would be much appreciated.

Many thanks.

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Guest Ian Wong

I'm going to move your question out of the Ottawa forum and into the CaRMS forum. Unfortunately, there is no published list of where students from each medical school matched, nor in which specialties. Many US schools, on the other hand, do release and publish their match lists.


The closest thing you'll find is here at the statistics section of the CaRMS website:




The PGY-1 Match Report links on the above website are often very informative. Here's the link to the 2003 CaRMS Match Report:




Within that 2003 CaRMS Match Report, there is an interesting link at the bottom entitled: "Summary of Matching Results - 2003 Residency Match".




This has information on which med schools matched at what percentage. You can see from this table that Mac had 99.1% of their med class successfully match into a residency in the first round, but it doesn't tell you in what specialty. The trouble with just going by a school's match percentage is that schools who have a lot of students applying to competitive specialties will by default have lower match success rates than schools with a lot of students going into Family Medicine, or other less competitive specialties.


The only way to really see how competitive a school is at the CaRMS match is if each school published a list of what specialties their students matched into, and where, but unfortunately, the schools don't release that information publically.



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