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Ottawa U Health Science Advice

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So I am likely doing a second undergrad in Health Science at Ottawa U this fall. I have an advising meeting next week to figure out courses, etc.


I feel as though I don't know enough about the program.


For example, which of the required core courses have labs?


If someone could provide further insight on Ottawa U's Health Sci program (do you like it? any suggestions for success? getting research opportunities? Is there a student run biomed/ health sci newspaper/ journal etc etc)


I would greatly, deeply appreciate this !

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I took my undergrad in health sciences at uOttawa - I loved it. I really liked the variety of classes (sciences, anatomy, social sciences...).


I am not sure which classes with labs are required - I believe there are two bios and two chems (general and organic). I took two more chemistry classes with labs to meet med school requirements (uOttawa Med) so I don't know which ones are actually required for the degree itself.


As for research, I didn't get involved with it at the school but there is research in the hospitals and I am sure there is tons at the school if you just talk to some professors.


There is a health sciences journal that is open to all - just as the HSS association about that.


Overall I really enjoyed the program - I am sure you will too. Good luck!

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Hey Paloma! I'm doing health sciences at Ottawa next year too. Are you taking french immersion by any chance? Just general Health Sci or are you specializing in something?


Hi Skikey,


Im not doing french immersion, and as far as I know its just general health science, no specialization. How can you specialize in the general program?


This is my second undergrad, is this your first?

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I took my undergrad in health sciences at uOttawa - I loved it. I really liked the variety of classes (sciences, anatomy, social sciences...).


I am not sure which classes with labs are required - I believe there are two bios and two chems (general and organic). I took two more chemistry classes with labs to meet med school requirements (uOttawa Med) so I don't know which ones are actually required for the degree itself.


As for research, I didn't get involved with it at the school but there is research in the hospitals and I am sure there is tons at the school if you just talk to some professors.


There is a health sciences journal that is open to all - just as the HSS association about that.


Overall I really enjoyed the program - I am sure you will too. Good luck!


Thanks KMMD,


Glad to hear you liked it. I got transfer credits for most of the compulsory courses, so I am not sure if I will still be in any lab courses, aside from biochem if i take it.


What is the name of the Health Sci student journal? Haven't been able to track it down.


Do you have any extra curricular suggestions? What did you do to beef up your med app, given your program at UO?


Im taking a big risk and leap of faith by doing this program, so i am nervous about starting, and must be strategic.

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Thanks KMMD,


Glad to hear you liked it. I got transfer credits for most of the compulsory courses, so I am not sure if I will still be in any lab courses, aside from biochem if i take it.


What is the name of the Health Sci student journal? Haven't been able to track it down.


Do you have any extra curricular suggestions? What did you do to beef up your med app, given your program at UO?


Im taking a big risk and leap of faith by doing this program, so i am nervous about starting, and must be strategic.


The journal is here - http://www.riss-ijhs.ca/


As for extracurriculars just do what you like - I a club that wasn't medically related at all, but something that showed me team work and leadership


There are tons of clubs, and there is also the health sciences student association which has elections every year.


I did volunteering outside the university as well as research in the summers (in Toronto).


Don't be nervous - it is a great program that offers many different perspectives but also time to commit to extracurriculars. Good luck

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The journal is here - http://www.riss-ijhs.ca/


As for extracurriculars just do what you like - I a club that wasn't medically related at all, but something that showed me team work and leadership


There are tons of clubs, and there is also the health sciences student association which has elections every year.


I did volunteering outside the university as well as research in the summers (in Toronto).


Don't be nervous - it is a great program that offers many different perspectives but also time to commit to extracurriculars. Good luck


Do you remember any HSS classes that stick out as being harder than others? Just as a heads up so I can have a general idea of which ones will require more work

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Do you remember any HSS classes that stick out as being harder than others? Just as a heads up so I can have a general idea of which ones will require more work


I would also like to know this. Also the names of any super hard/ easy profs would be helpful !

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