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Courses @ Yorku


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Hi everyone, I'm entering my 3rd year at York and I was wondering if anyone whose taken the following courses can tell me how difficult they are:


Immunobiology (3120)

Virology (3155)

Molecular 1 (3110)

Microbiology (3150)

Population Ecology (3170)

Current topics in Biological Research (3100)



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Hi everyone, I'm entering my 3rd year at York and I was wondering if anyone whose taken the following courses can tell me how difficult they are:


Immunobiology (3120)

Virology (3155)

Molecular 1 (3110)

Microbiology (3150)

Population Ecology (3170)

Current topics in Biological Research (3100)




Molec 1 is easy if you go to class and take good notes! His questions are right out of his notes (i.e. what he says in class)... no application!


I haven't taken any others but I know current topics is a lot of work for a 2 credit course... its all assignment based and there is a 40% paper!

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im entering third year bio as well and have similar courses...

would it be smart just to take molec bio I and not II which i might do


and i also wanted to know to see someone prior 3rd schedule and any advice on other courses!

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Hi everyone, I'm entering my 3rd year at York and I was wondering if anyone whose taken the following courses can tell me how difficult they are:


Immunobiology (3120)

Virology (3155)

Molecular 1 (3110)

Microbiology (3150)

Population Ecology (3170)

Current topics in Biological Research (3100)





Immuno- Really tough, but the prof is very kind. Nonetheless a very interesting course, but it turned out to be one of the tougher courses.

Virology- Not as bad as I thought, was tough because every question had a significant weight on your final grade but it was still doable and an A/A+ is possible as long as you study

Mol. 1- Did not take

Microbiology- Was a lot tougher than I expected, partly due to the exam containing lab components. Becareful as this was a lab heavy course, if you don't like labs it won't be fun

Population Ecology- Did not take

Current topics- a lot of work and the final paper (40%) was about focusing on 1 prof's research. Don't take the course unless your planning to do your honours thesis, it turned out to be extremely time consuming.

I hope that helps :)

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Viro is also hard because the prof made his grad student teach us 3 lectures worth of material. This turned out to be the hardest part for the final exam and the grad student was not as good as the prof was at teaching so made the last 3 chapters hard to learn.


Did not take Population Ecology.


Molecular one is easier then virology with Prof. M. Crerar.


^BlessedSoul, how would you compare microbiology with virology, immunology and molecular biology 1?

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Viro is also hard because the prof made his grad student teach us 3 lectures worth of material. This turned out to be the hardest part for the final exam and the grad student was not as good as the prof was at teaching so made the last 3 chapters hard to learn.


Did not take Population Ecology.


Molecular one is easier then virology with Prof. M. Crerar.


^BlessedSoul, how would you compare microbiology with virology, immunology and molecular biology 1?


Viro wasn't as bad as I thought it would be in my opinion. This is the difficulty level I felt from my experience:


Immuno(toughest) > Microbiol > Virol

All of them were tough, but Immuno was definitely up there (felt like cell biol but a lot tougher). Like I said, I don't like lab reports and lab work and therefore I found Microbiol a challenge.

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Hey guys wondering if I could get some advice on some courses I will be taking this Fall.



BIOL 2020

CHEM 2020-Pierre Potvin

PSYC 1010-Rebecca Jubis

CHEM 2011

BIOL 2060

BIOL 2040-Amro Zayed


If the course above has a prof next to it, I have heard they are better than others. I also need to take 2 classes to satisfy a social sciences/humanities pre requisite. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

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Hey guys wondering if I could get some advice on some courses I will be taking this Fall.



BIOL 2020 - Easiest 2nd year biol course for 2nd year.

CHEM 2020-Pierre Potvin - Didn't have potvin but was 1 of the tougher courses, A/A+ is possible to get

PSYC 1010-Rebecca Jubis- didn't take

CHEM 2011- didn't take

BIOL 2060-didn't take

BIOL 2040-Amro Zayed- new prof? overall course isn't as bad as I thought. I took it with Dr. Shore, it was well structured course in my opinion but tough exams. But your prof may be easier since Shore had options a-g for m/c.


If the course above has a prof next to it, I have heard they are better than others. I also need to take 2 classes to satisfy a social sciences/humanities pre requisite. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.


10 char.....

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Sorry to hijack (just thinking this thread might be a good place for the question) - anyone had Gary Turner, or done Neural Basis of Behaviour (Psych) in the summer?


I do *not* have a bio background & am a little worried about the compressed timeframe, but am interested in the subject.


(More precisely, would love to know if the exam's cumulative, and whether it's fiddly [studies, names, rote memorization] or more conceptually engaging [reasoning etc]... No syllabus up for this section/prof, though a different one is.)


Thanks in advance!

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Sorry to hijack (just thinking this thread might be a good place for the question) - anyone had Gary Turner, or done Neural Basis of Behaviour (Psych) in the summer?


I do *not* have a bio background & am a little worried about the compressed timeframe, but am interested in the subject.


(More precisely, would love to know if the exam's cumulative, and whether it's fiddly [studies, names, rote memorization] or more conceptually engaging [reasoning etc]... No syllabus up for this section/prof, though a different one is.)


Thanks in advance!


I think thats a new prof but if you've taken biological basis of behaviour, I don't think you'll be at a disadvantage

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