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Applying to Ottawa French stream.

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Are you implying they take 500 students per year? lol


btw, where are you getting 250 from?


I saw a page with the number of seats for each program, it lists Ottawa twice - one in french and one in English and each had (roughly) 250.


Yeah I didn't think accommodated more than twice the next school.




150 each



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I saw a page with the number of seats for each program, it lists Ottawa twice - one in french and one in English and each had (roughly) 250.


Yeah I didn't think accommodated more than twice the next school.




150 each




It lists it twice. But it counts it once.



(one full credit required for each)


One of Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages; two Life Sciences




Does this mean two years of Life Sciences or two semesters?


One full credits means 2 semesters. So yea 2 years.

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Which courses at York constitute Life Science?


I think each University has its own description of what courses are considered life science. You should check each individually to make sure. But in general, biology, anatomy, psychology, biochemistry and etc. Kinesiology also fits.

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I think each University has its own description of what courses are considered life science. You should check each individually to make sure. But in general, biology, anatomy, psychology, biochemistry and etc. Kinesiology also fits.


Oh phew.


Thought it was just anything with "chem" or "bio" in the title.

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Pretty sure your interview would be in french so yeah you'd prove you speak french lol


I'm guessing the interview would be in French and I believe there are certain requirements as well.


:confused: I'm not sure why there is any doubt on this subject at all. The interview is conducted entirely in French, unless you happen to indicate you are bilingual - in that case, you will be briefly tested for your verbal proficiency in English.


As I understand it from a couple of friends who are in the French stream, they want you to speak French pretty fluently (i.e. you should be a native speaker or have been speaking the language for quite some time).

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:confused: I'm not sure why there is any doubt on this subject at all. The interview is conducted entirely in French, unless you happen to indicate you are bilingual - in that case, you will be briefly tested for your verbal proficiency in English.


As I understand it from a couple of friends who are in the French stream, they want you to speak French pretty fluently (i.e. you should be a native speaker or have been speaking the language for quite some time).




The French stream is for those who are completely confident in French and generally speak it easily on a regular basis. If you are first and foremost an Anglo-phone but capable of speaking in French as a second language I suggest applying to the English stream and state that you are bilingual. In this case, from what I understand, your interview will be predominately in English with a few sections in French.


Good luck,



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