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Application Time Commitment

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My brother is going on a trip abroad in September and will be back in December. He's going somewhere where Internet access won't be readily or easily available. Since his plans aren't set in stone, do you think that this trip would prevent him from successfully applying to med schools because he's going to be away for this period of time? Is it realistic to expect that he can have everything, in terms of applications, completed before he leaves?


Thanks :)

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My brother is going on a trip abroad in September and will be back in December. He's going somewhere where Internet access won't be readily or easily available. Since his plans aren't set in stone, do you think that this trip would prevent him from successfully applying to med schools because he's going to be away for this period of time? Is it realistic to expect that he can have everything, in terms of applications, completed before he leaves?


Thanks :)


yes. You can create your account in July and finish everything. The only thing he might need to worry about are references which i belive cant be submitted until Aug 1st? someone might what to confirm that.

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yes. You can create your account in July and finish everything. The only thing he might need to worry about are references which i belive cant be submitted until Aug 1st? someone might what to confirm that.


Since the references even send the letter in as well he should be fine.


Transcripts - make sure you order the transcripts right away in case there are any issues :) You don't want some stupid unpaid fee to get in the way of things (seen it happen!)

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One note to make...if he is applying to Mac he will need to complete CASPer which requires a good 2 hours of internet time at a specific time mid-late October (I don't know if they have published those dates yet). Just a heads up, otherwise everything should be good as long as he can be sure his references will send them in or he will be able to contact them at some point before December to confirm

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I interned in a Ugandan non-profit from September to January and had my OMSAS package completed and sent by the middle of August.


I did CASPer in northern Uganda with a 3G internet stick that was wonky at best. Even if your internet is really slow, CASPer tries to compensate by not showing the questions until the video is done regardless of how long it takes for the video to buffer. I actually missed a full question and called the help line during the test to leave a note on my file. Everything worked out fine, though.

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If you have a block of time to set aside and devote to apps, it's totally possible. I finished all OMSAS school apps + 2 OOP schools in < 1 week. I waited for my MCAT results to come out before even starting anything, a risky move but definitely not impossible. Mail your transcripts out early! I had to priority post all of mine and Xpresspost the stuff that was in province. I spent upwards of $200 at Canada Post, alone!

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I interned in a Ugandan non-profit from September to January and had my OMSAS package completed and sent by the middle of August.


I did CASPer in northern Uganda with a 3G internet stick that was wonky at best. Even if your internet is really slow, CASPer tries to compensate by not showing the questions until the video is done regardless of how long it takes for the video to buffer. I actually missed a full question and called the help line during the test to leave a note on my file. Everything worked out fine, though.


You, sir, are amazing. I was reading this and was like :eek:. That one is definitely going to top most med student stories at the pub haha:D

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Hahaha! Thanks! The Skype phone call to McMaster was the most harrowing part of the entire experience. Had to do it in the 15 minute break that CASPer provides and ended up being disconnected twice.


You, sir, are amazing. I was reading this and was like :eek:. That one is definitely going to top most med student stories at the pub haha:D
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