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Medical Student Survey

What in your opinion is the MOST crucial factor that determines med school admission?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. What in your opinion is the MOST crucial factor that determines med school admission?

    • GPA
    • MCAT
    • Both GPA & MCAT
    • Letters of recommendation
    • Volunteering/Research/ECA's
    • Medical school Interview

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I voted GPA, but I want to clarify...


I think GPA is very important preinterview but this changes a lot post interview -- Then, interview becomes very important.


But in terms of being competitive at many schools, high GPA is most important factor at initial screening.

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I voted GPA, but I want to clarify...


I think GPA is very important preinterview but this changes a lot post interview -- Then, interview becomes very important.


But in terms of being competitive at many schools, high GPA is most important factor at initial screening.


I was going to type that out myself, but then it seemed like too much effort so i stuck with my shorter version :rolleyes:

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I voted interview

My GPA was under 3.7 so nothing special and far from competitive regardless I ended up getting 4 interviews

In the end I didn't get into any schools


Interview is king!


Although yes GPA is important in securing an interview, and in order to ever gain acceptance I have to do much better than average on a interview in order to make up for my lower than avg GPA in the admission formulas

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Are you able to meet with adcoms for feedback? If not, upon self-reflection try to analyse what your weaknesses were. It is important for the MMI to be yourself, comfortable, personable and to communicate your responses well. Some applicants try to give answers they think they are looking for, rather than give your true responses.

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Are you able to meet with adcoms for feedback? If not, upon self-reflection try to analyse what your weaknesses were. It is important for the MMI to be yourself, comfortable, personable and to communicate your responses well. Some applicants try to give answers they think they are looking for, rather than give your true responses.


QFT 10char.

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I voted interview

My GPA was under 3.7 so nothing special and far from competitive regardless I ended up getting 4 interviews

In the end I didn't get into any schools


Interview is king!


Although yes GPA is important in securing an interview, and in order to ever gain acceptance I have to do much better than average on a interview in order to make up for my lower than avg GPA in the admission formulas


There are thousands upon thousands that apply and don't get an interview at all and only hundreds that do get an interview - so in my possibly misplaced logic the main barrier would have to be something prior to the interview.


Once you get an interview well that is a completely different story :)

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I voted interview

My GPA was under 3.7 so nothing special and far from competitive regardless I ended up getting 4 interviews


Do you have some special circumstance attached to your application? Engineering, business, First Nations status, etc?


I had to googtle QFT to understand what you were saying.

That was news to me too


Noobs. :P

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There are thousands upon thousands that apply and don't get an interview at all and only hundreds that do get an interview - so in my possibly misplaced logic the main barrier would have to be something prior to the interview.


That was my thinking as well - though I can see an argument for all factors being critical.. it's just the order in which we encounter them :)

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Do you have some special circumstance attached to your application? Engineering, business, First Nations status, etc?





Noobs. :P


Nope had AB residency though and lived 3 years in ON which got IP status at Mac. and ya got score reports back from UofA and UofC..did below average on both on interview, but also in every other category too but I guess an above avg interview would have hit it out of the ballpark and gotten me an acceptance. here's to the next cycle!

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I still maintain that while interview is clearly a make or break path to acceptance, it is GPA + MCAT that will either make or break your path to interview. You could be the best interviewer in Canada and be unable to secure an interview. So, the latter is the most significant and crucial step IMO.

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