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In 3 years, will US residency spots be 100% filled with US grads? Pls help/elaborate!

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Apparently in 3 years... So 2015, there will be 1 US grad for every 1 residency spot.


1. Is this correct?


2. Where did this information come from? Is it reliable? Is it accurate?


3. Then what happens to foreign grads from the Caribbean?


Can anybody please elaborate on this information?


Thanks guys.

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This is already happening....


There are going to be more medical schools opening up in US, and with the D.O. schools gaining popularity, there won't be enough residence spot for all the US graudates, let alone those outside...


IMHO, it is a risky business to do medical study outside North America. Rules are changing all the times, with the current economy, funding will become an issue, very soon, they may be forced to take only US graudates.


Canada > US > Caribbean > others.

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This is already happening....


There are going to be more medical schools opening up in US, and with the D.O. schools gaining popularity, there won't be enough residence spot for all the US graudates, let alone those outside...


IMHO, it is a risky business to do medical study outside North America. Rules are changing all the times, with the current economy, funding will become an issue, very soon, they may be forced to take only US graudates.


Canada > US > Caribbean > others.


Thanks for the reply but you didn't answer any of my questions.

People say this, but where are the numbers, where's the source for the info?


How many schools in numbers are opening up, what year are they opening in?


What you said is just very general information.

The match rate seems to be 50% for imgs. It may even be higher for Carib grads who pass usmle and apply.

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Even if I can quote you the source, you should still take it with a grain of salt.


Nobody has the crystal ball and can tell u with a definate answer until it actually happens. The stat is meaningless IMHO. However, the trend is there. The writing is in the wall, so to speak.


The wailist movement is pretty slow last year, this year it is even worse. I suspect that more people are applying to Canada and US schools b/c they don't want the uncertainty to go aboard.


Just my 2 cents.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A lot of my friends are doing medical school in the Carib/Ireland at the moment... and I don't know much about the process. However, no one seems to want to talk about matching back to Canada as if it's a taboo thing to discuss.


What will happen to my friends if/when they don't match? Do they just keep trying? What can they reasonably do without a residency but just undergrad foreign MD?

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Well lets hope this Obama-care thing actually pushes the government to fund more residency spots....since about 30million more Americans will be insured, and many more docs will be needed in the US.


Not sure how this will pan out, but increasing residency spots seems the logical thing to do.

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