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Writing Sample Buddy Request


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So, I don't really feel like studying for the writing section per se by reading 6 million articles on topics I don't necessarily care about.


Here's the deal:


If you are writing your MCATs this summer, and are interested in improving your writing/debating/example generating skills, I propose that we exchange emails and do the following:


  1. Pick a random prompt every day
  2. Write two arguments, one in support and one against, informally, and send it to the other person
  3. The other person critiques the arguments, and gets their own arguments critiqued simultaneously


Please let me know if anyone's interested. This shouldn't take too long (maybe 10 minutes max/day) and it will help you and I prepare for the writing section in a fun and interesting way.


PM if interested!


(I feel a bit selfish posting a whole thread for just myself, but I think this is a good enough idea that it's worth sharing with the community too. I flatter myself...)

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