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So when did the formulae change?

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2012/13 Formulae


Formula 1 - 32% Undergraduate Grade Point Average, 32% MCAT Verbal Reasoning Score, 32% CASPer Score, up to 4% Graduate degree (1% Master's degree/4% PhD).


Formula 2 - 70% Multiple Mini Interview Score, 15% Undergraduate Grade Point Average, 15% MCAT Verbal Reasoning Score.


Must have been a while since I've seen them.

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Yeah, I could have swore it only just changed in the last two weeks or so... Maybe I'm wrong. Sucks for me anyways! I was hoping my relatively weaker GPA could be strengthened by the CASPER, but I suppose if I rock the MCAT (July 6th) and the CASPER, I still have a shot :)


It did change in the last couple weeks, lol.


Strong VR and CASPer can compensate for a weak GPA so I would focus on July 6! Good luck :)

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I think I knew about the new formula before acceptances/rejections came out, so it's been at least a month and a bit since they changed it on the website... I think there was some discussion about this in the "waiting for response" thread.


Ye, It's been quite some time. I have a feeling the value for CASPER is going to decrease over years such that GPA and verbal would be worth more.


Does anyone know how long the 50/25/25 formula was in effect?

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Thank you Leon! I have seen your name around here in the forums, what are you up to come September? :)


Just planning on working in a lab for a year, TAing come courses and, hopefully, tutoring. I'm applying to AMCAS right now, lol.


So what about weighting of the autobiographical sketch and the questions on the application, do these not have any influence?


The ABS isn't looked at by Mac, and the questions were eliminated a few years ago. CASPer replaces all that.

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Ye, It's been quite some time. I have a feeling the value for CASPER is going to decrease over years such that GPA and verbal would be worth more.


Does anyone know how long the 50/25/25 formula was in effect?


2 years. This past cycle was only the second year for CASPer at Mac and both years had this breakdown. I think the same formula was used before but CASPer was replaced by the short answer questions applicants had to write. Not sure how long that was around for

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2 years, I believe. They introduced CASPer last cycle - Class of 2014 was the first to have CASPer.




2 years. This past cycle was only the second year for CASPer at Mac and both years had this breakdown. I think the same formula was used before but CASPer was replaced by the short answer questions applicants had to write. Not sure how long that was around for


Thanks :) I guess they are still experimenting to see what kind of formula works the best.

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Just planning on working in a lab for a year, TAing come courses and, hopefully, tutoring. I'm applying to AMCAS right now, lol.




The ABS isn't looked at by Mac, and the questions were eliminated a few years ago. CASPer replaces all that.



Thanks Leon! I only applied once in 2010 so I wasn't sure! :)

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