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Guidance Counsellor Said My High School May Stop Me From Attending University!

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I had an exam a couple of days ago which I took as a joke. Essentially I answered every question ridiculously. For example, one of the questions asked to create a workout regime for an individual and to describe how you would monitor their success. I answered that I would put them on the television show, "The Biggest Loser" and monitor their progress by watching new episodes every week.


This grade will not even be in my top 6. I didn't care about what I would get so I decided to have some fun. My top 6 grades for my program at Mcmaster will be 93+. I obviously know that even failing this course will not matter, but my counsellor scared me into believing otherwise. She said, the principle could show this exam to the university.


My teacher showed the exam to my guidance counsellor, and my counsellor said my teacher will also show it to my principle. I did not insult my teacher, nor did my exam contain any profanity. Could my principle withhold me from going to university? I hear people cheat on grade 12 exams and are still allowed to attend, so what my guidance counsellor said seems odd.

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Graduation cannot be withheld but they want to give you a very hard time to impress upon you that education is serious business - which it is! Let this be the last of your academic jokes as you are learning that there can be unforeseen ripples effects adverse to your interests.

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I had an exam a couple of days ago which I took as a joke. Essentially I answered every question ridiculously. For example, one of the questions asked to create a workout regime for an individual and to describe how you would monitor their success. I answered that I would put them on the television show, "The Biggest Loser" and monitor their progress by watching new episodes every week.


This grade will not even be in my top 6. I didn't care about what I would get so I decided to have some fun. My top 6 grades for my program at Mcmaster will be 93+. I obviously know that even failing this course will not matter, but my counsellor scared me into believing otherwise. She said, the principle could show this exam to the university.


My teacher showed the exam to my guidance counsellor, and my counsellor said my teacher will also show it to my principle. I did not insult my teacher, nor did my exam contain any profanity. Could my principle withhold me from going to university? I hear people cheat on grade 12 exams and are still allowed to attend, so what my guidance counsellor said seems odd.


You insulted your teacher by trivializing their examination. It is one thing to not study - its completely another to throw it in their face that you don't care.


Your best approach is to apologize for your arrogance and offer to rewrite it. If they keep pushing their agenda, ask for their superior's contact information and tell you are getting a lawyer.


I would check your arrogance at the door. This is only high school and it will likely not lead to any negative outcomes. You do that in university or in a professional school and you are likely done.

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lol he's just being an ***hole, I call a bluff. Seriously, what is he gonna tell the university? you didn't write anything offensive, just irrelevant crap.

and props to you, I trolled my way through grade 11 history, most fun I ever had writing an exam

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I had an exam a couple of days ago which I took as a joke. Essentially I answered every question ridiculously. For example, one of the questions asked to create a workout regime for an individual and to describe how you would monitor their success. I answered that I would put them on the television show, "The Biggest Loser" and monitor their progress by watching new episodes every week.


This grade will not even be in my top 6. I didn't care about what I would get so I decided to have some fun. My top 6 grades for my program at Mcmaster will be 93+. I obviously know that even failing this course will not matter, but my counsellor scared me into believing otherwise. She said, the principle could show this exam to the university.


My teacher showed the exam to my guidance counsellor, and my counsellor said my teacher will also show it to my principle. I did not insult my teacher, nor did my exam contain any profanity. Could my principle withhold me from going to university? I hear people cheat on grade 12 exams and are still allowed to attend, so what my guidance counsellor said seems odd.


can't believe no one pointed this out!

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You insulted your teacher by trivializing their examination. It is one thing to not study - its completely another to throw it in their face that you don't care.


Your best approach is to apologize for your arrogance and offer to rewrite it. If they keep pushing their agenda, ask for their superior's contact information and tell you are getting a lawyer.


I would check your arrogance at the door. This is only high school and it will likely not lead to any negative outcomes. You do that in university or in a professional school and you are likely done.




this was very immature of you

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They probably can't do anything about it, but I wouldn't take any chances with your future. Play this diplomatically and apologize for being unprofessional. You shouldn't ever unnecessarily burn your bridges, you never know when people could find ways to get back at you.

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lol he's just being an ***hole, I call a bluff. Seriously, what is he gonna tell the university? you didn't write anything offensive, just irrelevant crap.

and props to you, I trolled my way through grade 11 history, most fun I ever had writing an exam


I did the same thing in grade 11 chem, except I was less witty. I also changed the number on file to my cell number and pretended to be my parents...on multiple occasions. In retrospect, I'm not sure how I made it through high school without getting suspended/expelled.

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I did the same thing in grade 11 chem, except I was less witty. I also changed the number on file to my cell number and pretended to be my parents...on multiple occasions. In retrospect, I'm not sure how I made it through high school without getting suspended/expelled.


LOL! I'm actually so surprised that I've never been suspended, considering how much time I spent in the principal's office over the years

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Come on no need to bash the op I actually got a good laugh from that story haha. All fun and games, no need for the teacher to take it personal, the only harm that could possibly come from this is the student's low grade.


Pfft! don't be silly! we're premeds, we are holier than thou

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I can empathize with you. During my last weeks of high school, I too did not care about certain courses because they would not be in my top 6. However, try not to do this again in the future, especially in university. Burning bridges is not advantageous towards your future.

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I had an exam a couple of days ago which I took as a joke. Essentially I answered every question ridiculously. For example, one of the questions asked to create a workout regime for an individual and to describe how you would monitor their success. I answered that I would put them on the television show, "The Biggest Loser" and monitor their progress by watching new episodes every week.


This grade will not even be in my top 6. I didn't care about what I would get so I decided to have some fun. My top 6 grades for my program at Mcmaster will be 93+. I obviously know that even failing this course will not matter, but my counsellor scared me into believing otherwise. She said, the principle could show this exam to the university.


My teacher showed the exam to my guidance counsellor, and my counsellor said my teacher will also show it to my principle. I did not insult my teacher, nor did my exam contain any profanity. Could my principle withhold me from going to university? I hear people cheat on grade 12 exams and are still allowed to attend, so what my guidance counsellor said seems odd.


You've gotten yourself into a dominance contest. In more primative times, we had a pecking order that was determined by fights. Although today no official pecking order exists, the neural circuitry for them still exists in our brains. There are no physical fights to determine this imaginary pecking order, but rather, little tit-for-tat contests. You do something to them, they do something to you, this repeats, and in each cycle the situation is escalated. You've gotten yourself into one of these with the school.


Here's what I mean more specifically. The school made you take a course you didn't want to take (presumably). This was the inciting incident. You retaliate by not doing your work in the course. The teacher retaliates by giving you bad marks in the class. You retaliate, by making a mockery of the teacher by goofing off during your exam, essentially thumb-nosing their attempt to hurt you by giving you a bad mark. The school is now retaliating by threatening to show the exam to the universities that you applied to.


The thing about these dominance contests is that the participants don't want to cause injury to other, but rather, just to show that they are dominant over them. You can let them win by apologizing. An apology is the modern day equivalent of the losing monkey presenting to the winning monkey, and the winning monkey mounting the losing monkey. This signals the end of the fight, and that the winning monkey is dominant over the losing monkey.


So, to end the conflict right now, you can just apologize. They might punish you in some lesser way, like making you rewrite the exam or writing a sorry letter to the teacher or giving you a stern talk, but this is the modern day equivalent of being mounted. Alternatively, you can further escalate the situation by calling them on their bluff. If they do nothing, you win the conflict, and you may receive some emotional satisfaction from this. If they retaliate by sending your exam to the university, you can retaliate by taking them to court, escalating the situation further.

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You can let them win by apologizing. An apology is the modern day equivalent of the losing monkey presenting to the winning monkey, and the winning monkey mounting the losing monkey. This signals the end of the fight, and that the winning monkey is dominant over the losing monkey.


uhh most of these dominance fights are between males roflol

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