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Immunology courses at UBC

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Hello everyone,


What are your opinions on taking immunology courses such as MICB 302 and MICB 402 as part of your major & prep for medical school? I know they are quite challenging courses, but I thought that the knowledge these courses offer might become really beneficial in later years especially during med school.


Would you recommend it? Or is it too risky? I'm in need of an advice from experienced folks like you guys as my course registration for 3rd year is around the corner. Let me hear what you think.


As always, thanks in advance!

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Yes, the knowledge from Immunology and Advanced microbiology is very useful for jobs (biotechs) if med school does not pan out. Once you are in medicine, microbiology is useful stuff for the basis of infectious disease you encounter everyday, while immunology is a good basis for rheumatological diseases (autoimmune diseases). I am speaking from my own experience as a researcher in biotech, then becoming an internal med doctor after med school.


However, I never take those courses but still was able to make into medicine. I learned those knowledge while I was in my Coop years doing different research projects, etc...


So baseline is: the knowledge is very useful, but yes, you don't have to take those courses to gain those knowledge if you worry they pull down your scores. And yes, those are not easy courses either.

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I've already given you my 2 cents on 302, but I'll supplement here. I'm not going to lie, I do have a general hatred for the course and the way it's run...BUT putting that aside, it was interesting towards the end, when we started doing case studies of autoimmune disorders. I would say it was very medically relevant - or at least it seemed so to me upon first exposure to the material. The only thing you really need to consider here is whether or not you're going to remember any of it when you're in med. Personally, I'm a fan of learning and re-learning because it builds a stronger base of knowledge. I know I'll have forgotten most if not all of the content by the time we do immunology in med, but at least I'll have a vague idea of what it is. Good luck :)


And like others and myself have said before...they are NOT easy courses, though 402 has a reputation of being easier than 302 somehow. 302 will take over your life, much like organic chem does.

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We have a block called HDI (host defences and infection) in 2nd term of 1st year. I am a microbiology and immunology major and I thought MICB 202, 302, 306, and the one on bacterial pathogenesis were pretty useful. I still remembered a lot of the material and I could look through my old notes and slides if I forgot something. I didn't really take them because I thought it would help with med; I took them because they sounded interesting and relevant enough to human health.

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I've already given you my 2 cents on 302, but I'll supplement here. I'm not going to lie, I do have a general hatred for the course and the way it's run...BUT putting that aside, it was interesting towards the end, when we started doing case studies of autoimmune disorders. I would say it was very medically relevant - or at least it seemed so to me upon first exposure to the material. The only thing you really need to consider here is whether or not you're going to remember any of it when you're in med. Personally, I'm a fan of learning and re-learning because it builds a stronger base of knowledge. I know I'll have forgotten most if not all of the content by the time we do immunology in med, but at least I'll have a vague idea of what it is. Good luck :)


And like others and myself have said before...they are NOT easy courses, though 402 has a reputation of being easier than 302 somehow. 302 will take over your life, much like organic chem does.



Hi quepasaparadox, thanks for your advice, again lol

my apologies if my paranoid mind happens to bother you! it's just that my course registration date is nearing every second, and I still haven't quite made up my mind on what courses to take in 3rd year. A part of me wants to pick courses that don't risk GPA, but the other side keeps leading me towards disciplines that are often described as hard', 'challenging' or 'GPA killer'. I know that if i put my heart into them and enjoy learning them, I'll likely to do well. But I'd like to hear from your experience whether this is going to be a good idea. Thanks for putting up with my ramble haha, and I really appreciate your help :)

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Hi quepasaparadox, thanks for your advice, again lol

my apologies if my paranoid mind happens to bother you! it's just that my course registration date is nearing every second, and I still haven't quite made up my mind on what courses to take in 3rd year. A part of me wants to pick courses that don't risk GPA, but the other side keeps leading me towards disciplines that are often described as hard', 'challenging' or 'GPA killer'. I know that if i put my heart into them and enjoy learning them, I'll likely to do well. But I'd like to hear from your experience whether this is going to be a good idea. Thanks for putting up with my ramble haha, and I really appreciate your help :)




Ahh no worries, I'm not bothered by questions. I just wanted to make sure I get things across, both the good& the bad :) hopefully it helps a little.

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MICB 202 easy.


MICB 302 is a bit harder; I did well but I think the class got maimed during my year (average in low 60s I think). How well you do in this class is, unsurprisingly, linked to how much you study. I found that the tests were hard but fair; everything that was thrown at us came from the lectures. In addition, I really enjoy immunology so studying wasn't hard at all. Others did not share my enthusiasm.


MICB 402 was some what of a disappointment; I thought we would get more 302 but it turned into a somewhat fractured affair where multiple profs gave lectures on completely unrelated topics. I didn't really enjoy this class but then I liked big picture stuff with appropriate details, not ultra specific stuff on antibody on-off kinetics or research design. But some people did enjoy it. Class average upper 70s.


MICB 412 (topics in immu)


Freaking awesome. Easily my favorite class. There are 3 major topics (my year was diabetes, host microbe interactions and something else). The instructor breaks up each topic and assigns one section to each student. Then we take turns presenting our section on that topic. It was great; you learn massive amounts in a low stress environment. No exams, just 3 presentations (20 mins with questions) and a 1 page summary write up on each section. I think you might need 402 but some people were in there without it. Great class. Upper 80s average.


MICB 306 Viro


Bunk. You learn huge numbers of facts on viro reproduction, memorizing various structural proteins, the size of various viruses. If you think you are going to get in depth on the various viruses like in 202, you are wrong. You get like 20+ viruses just tossed at you. No a hard class, especially since my instructor scaled the class at the end and there was a bonus paper you could do. Just not very interesting. However, many people loved this class and despised 302 so take it all with a grain of salt.


MICB 406 Topics in virology


This class was okay; 2 papers for research design and a presentation. Good marks if you try (think mid 80s). Quite abit of the lecture material can be a bit bland if you don't like research design or ultra specific details like protein phospho at tyr 36 etc etc. However, there was some interesting stuff and the presentations at the end are pretty cool as the instructor gave us free reign on what to investigate.


MICB 407 Virology


Another good class but a fair amount of work. A paper every week (about 6-10 pages) on various questions regarding epidemiology, molecular patho and some clinical stuff on a different virus. Presentation at the end and a final. I liked this class. Averages in mid 80s I think.

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