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If you were to integrate any discipline of your choice

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Of course it greatly varies from one person to another since everyone has different interest/strength. However, from a UBC undergrad (& premed) point of view, if you were given an option to integrate whatever you like, which areas will you go for?


I'm actually in the process of choosing & solidifying my decisions on integration. I have chosen physiology&anatomy as one of my disciplines and am planning to take corresponding courses such as PHYL 301, ANAT 390 and ANAT 391. I'm not too sure about my other discipline, however. Two choices I originally thought of were (immunology/virology/pathogenesis) and (genetics), but frankly I'm afraid that they might kill my GPA :/. (I've heard not-so-pleasant things about courses like MICB 302, BIOL334&335. Someone even went as far as to tell me to stay away from MICB 302 if I want to go to med school)


I'm confused...any suggestions?


Thank you.

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I haven't taken MICB302 so I can't comment on that, but I did take BIOL334 and 335.. for me, they killed my average (I got in the 60s for both courses). However, I know that genetics really isn't my thing and I know some friends who found the courses super easy and got 90+. So it's definitely doable, just make sure you like genetics first =P.

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