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Have you ever been on a full courseload during undergrad?

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i did overload in my 2nd year, honestly though some courses require less work (non science ones). I think I would be doing overload again since i will just monitor my workload and choose courses with no labs/tutorials.


but then again i do not have any ecs besides hanging out with friends nor do i work during the school yr.

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i only did it 2 of 4 years, but did like maybe, 11, 12, 13 spring summer courses, even did course overload one 5 week summer term, including a 300 and 400 which where prereqs for eachother… i just prefered taking a summer course, class of 20 instead of like 80, chill, get to have discussions… get to know prof better… contrarily if you want to, you can take difficult prereqs when they dont affect your gpa at some schools… allowing you to pad your gpa in fall/winter… and say ur eyeing queens western, or mac and you've got a sick verbal score, this used to hurt u at places like calgary, but now theyre more gpa than subjective assesment (and i still got way above average academic score when they were pure subjective with only 2 full time years, and only 7 the other fall winters… life's negotiable ;)


Unless there are financial constraints or you are working full time, there is no reason to be registering for less than a full course load.
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