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Have I ruined my chances?


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Hi pre-optom society!


I'm sorry about opening a whiny thread, but while reading through this forum about the stellar GPAs that some people got accepted with, I've been getting progressively more worried.


I've only just completed my first year, but I'm sitting on a 3.56 OMSAS (approximately). The reason for this is that I absolutely bombed my first semester with a 3.26 (hard transition from an extremely rural high school that didn't prepare us well for physics...). I readjusted my study techniques second semester and ended up with a 3.86.


Now, I know that this is only first year, but I'm honestly worried about not being able to pull my GPA up as high as I want to, as I'll always have those two C's from first term to pull me down. I do have tonnes of EC's and volunteer experience though, as well as a little bit of research and many things lined up for the future. And of course, there's always the OAT's.


I guess what I'm trying to ask is: Is messing up in first year going to ruin this for me? Optometry is my dream career, and I honestly don't know if I could be equally as happy settling for something less than this...


Thanks to all you non-trolls. :o

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I'm not an pre-optometry or optometry student, but you definitely have not ruined your chances. Sometimes first year takes a while to adjust to, and you seem to have adjusted pretty quickly, since you realized you had to alter your study techniques halfway through. 3.56 in first year is not that bad. But keep up the hard work in your next 2-3 years and you'll have an awesome GPA! Cheers.

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Almost all of us go through rough patches and it is these very experiences that may us stronger. Look forward, not backwards and live with no regrets as you work hard to achieve your dreams. You will be fine. :P I had to take a 3 year detour to achieve my dreams and these 3 years gave me the strong work ethic, the time and stress management skills, where I learned to study smart for me. I am so very glad that I went this route. Good luck! :)

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Thank you guys, that takes a load off my mind! I suppose I could always think of it as a positive thing, as I'll always have something to motivate me to work harder. :P


Aside from becoming a successful optometrist in my own, sexy practice, of course.

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Of course not! God is a compassionate God and understanding of you temptations. But if your SERIOUSLY want to make it to god's kingdom. Separate yourself and avoid temptations which could leas you to sin. These 'friends' you have are helping you in no way and simply making it harder. You should make new friends.

I'm really impressed by this bot so far; his posts are easily in the top 5% here!

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