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Done 2 FL's, What to Think?


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I just finished AAMC 4 with a total of 30 - 11/9/10. I just barely got an 11 in PS so not quite sure what to make of this. Got exactly the same amount wrong in VR as first time (27/40) and one more wrong in BS (39/52). I'm starting to think a little if not a lot is a bit luck regarding scores... I write August 23 and plan on doing an FL every other day...


With adequate review, do I stand a 32(+) chance?? :o

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I'm hearing AAMC 10 & 11 (specially 11) would estimate your actual score better than the earlier ones. So you should definitely do those to get a better idea of where you stand. Also, I've seen quite a few people on here who managed a 9 on VR on AAMC but actually ended up with 11 on the actual MCAT. You are not far from a 30+ :) Keep working.

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It seems quite doable! Keep on reviewing and hope that test day is a lucky one for you :)

I just did a FL too and I ended up with a 9/11/11 but it was AAMC 3 so I'm worried that it was too easy to really reflect my score. Also, I can't seem to ever break the 9 in PS barrier. 11 is really good even if you just barely got it. With extra review you'll have that 11 in the bag!

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You're definitely on the right track and you have plenty of time to improve your score. For the sciences, review your weaknesses and practice, practice, practice! As you get more comfortable tackling passage-based tests, your score will go up. What's even more important is to figure out where you went wrong and really learn from your mistakes. Figure out why you got each question wrong, and then never make the same mistake again. For VR, practice your reading comprehension and come up with a strategy you're comfortable with. Keep working hard and good luck!

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How does your AAMC test 4 have 40 Q for VR and 52 for Sciences?


Mine are longer..... ? I thought old tests before 10 were all longer?

Also there is AAMC test #11???


The tests you purchase from AAMC and do timed on their website are standard MCAT format. The pdf versions are longer as far as I know. And yes there is AAMC 11.

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