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Strange Passage on Nematode Development (AAMC 7)


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Not every passage will be about a topic that's familiar. You need to use your basic science knowledge contained in your prep materials to either logically arrive at the correct answer, or to eliminate all of the wrong answers.


I took a look at the passage, and it's definitely doable. I would say that this is harder than most passages though.

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Yeah, this was a more-difficult-than-normal passage, but I think it's relatively typical of what the MCAT expects you to do. It's not supposed to test of your ability to memorize facts, but rather your ability to problem-solve and apply your knowledge to material that might not be completely familiar.


I think passages like this are the best ones to come across in practice materials because they give you a chance to practice thinking on your feet and piecing together information rather than simply drawing from memory.

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Not every passage will be about a topic that's familiar. You need to use your basic science knowledge contained in your prep materials to either logically arrive at the correct answer, or to eliminate all of the wrong answers.


I took a look at the passage, and it's definitely doable. I would say that this is harder than most passages though.


Yeah, this was a more-difficult-than-normal passage, but I think it's relatively typical of what the MCAT expects you to do. It's not supposed to test of your ability to memorize facts, but rather your ability to problem-solve and apply your knowledge to material that might not be completely familiar.


I think passages like this are the best ones to come across in practice materials because they give you a chance to practice thinking on your feet and piecing together information rather than simply drawing from memory.


I agree with both of these comments. It was a challenging passage, but it's something you just have to get used to. I remember doing this one and having to flip back and forth between the questions and the figures. They will definitely throw at least one passage like this in both PS and BS. I actually found that the passages in AAMC 10 and 11, the more recent FLs, almost all involved a description of an experiment or a technique like this one. A lot of it is filler used to confuse and intimidate, but don't just skim. There are definitely important details within these passages that you'll need to solve some problems.


The key thing to remember is that the MCAT does not test you on anything exceptionally hard. If you've reviewed all of the testable concepts, you have all the tools you need to solve these questions. Every time you come across a tough passage, don't get intimidated. Remind yourself that the answers to questions have to use simple science. When you get to a question that really confuses you, try to figure out what general topic they're testing you on (i.e. fluids, genetics, electrochemistry, endocrine, etc.). Figure out what equation or concept applies to the situation and use it to get your answer. The answer to MCAT questions is almost always a simple one.


Keep practicing passages like this. If you don't have the EK 1001 Biology book, I would recommend it. It's bio passages are very similar to those on the MCAT, and it was great practice for ones just like this. More than anything, don't lose confidence and don't give up. Keep trying and you will get better at this type of passage!

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