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How to ask someone for LOR

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Hello everyone!


I was wondering how to ask someone for an LOR. Not so much how to approach the subject but what specifically to ask for. Could they just write a letter and send it to every school I'm applying to or is there some sort of format or form they need to fill out?


I just don't want to ask for a reference and then be asked what exactly I need and not actually know for sure...



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What I did was I emailed my references to see if they would be interested, followed by a short meeting to discuss my intentions, get to know them a bit more if I didnt know them before, and through this discussion, determine if the LOR from this individual would be strong.


If they agreed and I felt like the letter would be strong, I sent them my CV, a list of courses that might have contributed my application, and more about myself and my intentions, why I'm applying, etc..

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Each school has something extra to the OMSAS form? Or is that just for schools not covered by OMSAS?


as w_robin informed me in another thread, they kind of just suggest stuff in the booklet, so check it out! imo, it was really just queen's and toronto, from ontario, that asked for specific stuff. iirc, the others really just said "we expect you to have 3 LORs from 3 diff references." but, yeah, toronto and queen's definitely give a bit of advice/direction. and also, yeah, diff schools (outside of ontario) are going to have stuff that they wanna see from your references, if you're applying more broadly.

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