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Focus Issues


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Anybody have focus issues halfway through the exam? Any suggestions on how to deal with that? I get tired and lose my concentration and the have to reread passages coz I didn't get what I read the first time.


There's no magical trick for this. Just keep doing full-length tests to practice and build your stamina. Make sure you're fully relaxing during your 10 minute breaks. Walk around, stretch, meditate, etc. Do anything to take your mind off of the last section. If you find yourself losing concentration in the middle of the test, don't keep reading. Take a 5-second break. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and clear your mind. Then start that passage from the beginning and attack it.

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Take ALL the breaks, walk around, eat something, splash cold water on your face and try to sit down and close your eyes for a few minutes. Also when you start a new passage, try to tell yourself that it is the most interesting thing you will ever read.

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One word which I will repeat over and over aagain: Gatorade, gatorade, gatorade. The sugar, electrolytes and hydration will make your brain awake for anything. That and some light exercise just before the test.


This. I also took a sip of that super sweet, pre-bottled Starbucks frappacino stuff they sell. It helped to give me a little boost before each section.

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Woa guys! One sec about the sweet drinks. Wouldn't drinking a high-sugar beverage cause your insulin to shoot up, resulting in you crashing (becoming sleepy) and not having enough glucose in your blood for your brain cells?


I'm always sleepy (yay chronic fatigue and autoimmune disease!), so I find that a bit of sugary stuff every so often helps to give me a periodic boost. I don't drink a lot, but just a sip or two right before I go back into the exam room. I also drink low sugar gatorade and water during the breaks to keep me hydrated.

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