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Post-degree Year

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Cant really recommend anything without knowing what your previous undergrad/masters was. A math/physics undergrad combo will go better than a english/math combo, given that you chose your first undergrad based on your interests/strengths. Additionally, by choosing related majors you will push yourself ahead in your respective field even if you dont get into medicine.

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With biology there are tons of similar fields; anatomy, biochem etc. See here




For high marks i would recommend either Physiology & Pharmacology (hard classes but mostly MC tests) or Kinesiology (easier classes but might have some subjective components). Most people in med go with the first route and as would I.

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With biology there are tons of similar fields; anatomy, biochem etc. See here




For high marks i would recommend either Physiology & Pharmacology (hard classes but mostly MC tests) or Kinesiology (easier classes but might have some subjective components). Most people in med go with the first route and as would I.


Yes, Kin is by far the best way to achieve the marks you desire. As well, it does have a few physiology and anatomical classes integrated into it... so one would say, that it is a degree which is very relevant towards medicine!

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  • 2 months later...
Has anyone done a Microbiology and Biotechnology major there? Just wondering what the course load is like.


I have a degree in Microbiology & Immunology. I did find the medical aspects of this degree very interesting but there was alot of dry biochem which I don't like. It is nearly impossible to do very well (90+) in upper year courses. The micro and biotech degree contains even more biochem. If a path to medicine fails the job prospects for just a bachelors degree are very slim and you need at least a masters to get a somewhat decent job. I don't recommend it.


Also, the courseload is pretty high as there are HUGE labs due every week that take very long to complete combined with regular course work.

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