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Applying to a US university from Quebec


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I am currently studying Health Sciences at Dawson College in Quebec.


I'm considering applying to the US for university, hopefully into a pre-medical program.


Our system here involves 5 years of high school, followed by a mandatory 2 years of college/CEGEP.


We don't use the GPA system here. I've never had the opportunity to take AP classes, and have never taken any of the SAT/ACT tests before. I always see these terms pop-up when reading articles about applying outside of province, and it makes me worried since I've never taken them before.


I was wondering if anyone could shed some insight. Would they consider me even though all my grades are in percentages?

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It's my understanding that they don't even look at your CEGEP grades when applying to US schools. It is mentioned in the US application guide under "transcript exemptions" or something.


This is both good and bad. Good if you did poorly in your prereqs, bad if you did well. If you did well then the admission comities would be able to see that you are a stellar candidate, however they just gloss over the grades.


As far as pre-med is concerned, don't be fooled. Pre-med in the US is nothing like it is in Quebec.


In Quebec: pre-med is someone admitted into a program called "pre-med" and they are guaranteed a position in medical school after one year of school. This option is only available to CEGEP students. It allows students to bypass significant amounts of University course work


In the US: pre-med is not a specific program. A pre-med is anybody who is taking pre-medical courses who one day plans to apply to medical school. You still require a bachelors to apply. Not many (if any) schools let you join their medical ranks without a Bachelors degree.


If I got anything wrong, hopefully people can correct me. This is just my understanding.

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It's my understanding that they don't even look at your CEGEP grades when applying to US schools. It is mentioned in the US application guide under "transcript exemptions" or something.


This is both good and bad. Good if you did poorly in your prereqs, bad if you did well. If you did well then the admission comities would be able to see that you are a stellar candidate, however they just gloss over the grades.


As far as pre-med is concerned, don't be fooled. Pre-med in the US is nothing like it is in Quebec.


In Quebec: pre-med is someone admitted into a program called "pre-med" and they are guaranteed a position in medical school after one year of school. This option is only available to CEGEP students. It allows students to bypass significant amounts of University course work


In the US: pre-med is not a specific program. A pre-med is anybody who is taking pre-medical courses who one day plans to apply to medical school. You still require a bachelors to apply. Not many (if any) schools let you join their medical ranks without a Bachelors degree.


If I got anything wrong, hopefully people can correct me. This is just my understanding.


Wow, I was really mis-leaded!


So if I were to apply to a US university, I would want to take something along the lines of a Biology degree before applying into a medical school?

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