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some questions about applying

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just some things I wanted to verify


are there any penalties for re-applicants? Do they ever ask in the application if one is a reapplicant or not? I guess ill find out the answer to this when application opens.




I'm not sure if you've seen this by now...but there is a section on the Supplementary Application that asks if you've applied before. I agree with If_At_First. I'd almost say most people that apply for their 1st time get rejected, because how is the med school to know that the person really wants to do medicine and not just go into something where their high marks would be useful?


As for the previous applications..I know that they keep certain things on file. For example, I had to send in new undergrad transcripts with my re-application..but they had my I.B. Transcript still on file and they would use that for this cycle as well. Double check with the program advisor to make sure though.

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