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OOP applicants- GPA vs. VR score

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I'm a bit confused about what kind of stats you would have to have in order to get an interview as an OOP applicant, so if anyone has any information on this it would be much appreciated. The formula is given as 2 x GPA + VR, but since both GPA and VR are given scores according to the mean and SD of all applicants, what is considered competitive (i.e. if you have a 3.6 GPA, would a 14 VR be enough to compensate or do both need to be high)? I realize this would vary with the applicant pool, but it would be nice to get some idea of what actual scores you need to have for a chance at an interview based on last year's stats.



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If you look at this thread, most of the GPA OOP for both Waitlist/Accepted and corresponding VR scores are around 3.9-4.0 and > or = to 10 respectively. I'm not sure if this is indicative of all OOP applicants, but that seems to be the case for the PM101 sample.

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I would suggest listening to Dr. Walker's podcast on the admissions page. He mentions the lowest GPA to be granted full-file review and lowest verbal to be granted full-file review. He also mentions what GPA an OOP had to obtain for a respective verbal score. I don't remember the exact numbers so listen to the podcast!




Hope that helps!

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I would suggest listening to Dr. Walker's podcast on the admissions page. He mentions the lowest GPA to be granted full-file review and lowest verbal to be granted full-file review. He also mentions what GPA an OOP had to obtain for a respective verbal score. I don't remember the exact numbers so listen to the podcast!




Hope that helps!


That's perfect, thanks!

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