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Opinion on my stats and chances, help please!


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Hey guys, first time posting, what do you guys think my chances are of getting into an MD program with a 3.86 cGPA, 3.88 scGPA on AMCAS, with a 29R MCAT (11, 8, 10), ive applied broadly and to about 30 schools, submit my primary at the end of august, hoping to get verified soon... Im a bit disappointed with my score but Im hoping i have a shot none the less, some schools im really looking into are


Penn State

Wayne State

John A. Burns


George Washington


Jefferson Medical


Loma Linda

Michigan State



Rosalind Franklin

SUNY Upstate

Chicago - Pritzker


Ive got decent EC's including some shadowing, and beginning some research for the next year. Thanks a lot for taking a look!

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Pritzker's a huge reach, I don't even think they are Canadian-friendly either. Other than that, most of these schools are pretty good for your stats. You are a bit late, and your 29 MCAT will hold you back alot, but as long as your ECs are good you will probably get a number of interviews.

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