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How early can you start studying for the MCAT?


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I haven't even applied for my undergrad yet.


I currently live in Quebec, and will most likely do my Undergrad in-Province. When applying to med school here, we don't need the MCAT to be written. I still want to write it to submit it (if I do well, its optional) and have it incase I apply out-of-province/country.


Is it possible to start studying for the MCAT before going to university? Quebec's education system is weird, so I've taken the following courses/will be taking the following courses before going to undergrad:


Biology I and II

Organic I and II

Calculus I and II

Three forms of Physics (Mechanics, Waves and Optics, Electricity and Magnetism)


Not sure if any of these courses are "university level" or not compared to the stuff required to be admitted into med school.


Is there any way I can start studying for the MCAT, or do I need to wait until admission into uni.

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You can start studying for the MCAT whenever you want. Just buy a set of MCAT study books and study away. I'd recommend princeton review (can get them on amazon) or berkeley review if you have a lot of money (for shipping to canada). I thought kaplan was bad. It's probably not practical to start preparing until a few months before you take the exam though (after CEGEP and one year uni would be a good time), and the mcat will be changing in 2015 anyway.

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You can start studying for the MCAT whenever you want. Just buy a set of MCAT study books and study away. I'd recommend princeton review (can get them on amazon) or berkeley review if you have a lot of money (for shipping to canada). I thought kaplan was bad. It's probably not practical to start preparing until a few months before you take the exam though (after CEGEP and one year uni would be a good time), and the mcat will be changing in 2015 anyway.


How exactly will it be changing?

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Focus on learning the material now and doing well in your classes. Start really studying for the MCAT a couple of months to a semester before the test. If you're actually learning it now, then studying for the MCAT will primarily be learning how to apply the material in the way that the test writers want you to.

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